Western History Regarding Cold War

Published 13 Mar 2017

We have different opinions regarding Cold War and its aftereffects some say one thing other have different observations. But the big question still remains there who was responsible for the Cold War and what have been the major changes since then in terms of political, social and economic scenarios? We have a number of incidences and events since Cold War, which had a greater impact on the history of Europe. Both the Soviet Union and the United States of America were partly guilty and can be blamed for such historical mishap. Many historians say that the Cold War could have been prevented; there are many factors that can come into consideration for such opinions. We will be examining different events that had occurred after this Cold War especially in different parts of Europe. Sources and viewpoints about such events are concluded according to opinions of such historian.
We can divide western history into three parts when it comes to post-war era based on the Revisionists, the Traditionalists, the Cold War and the Post-Revisionists. Every part of European history has its own opinion to say who was actually responsible for the after Cold War incidences. Historians and traditionalists who think that the Soviet Union was responsible, Revisionists, who think that the United States was responsible and Post-

Revisionists think that both opponents the Soviets and the USA were responsible. Each group has its own grounds for believing what they conceive and they will all be indicated within history. Collective security bears a maculated reputation. The massive failure of die rule of collective security as pondered by the World organization is the principal picture left to us by the 1930s. The interminable bickering and unavailing posturing of the United Nations throughout the Cold War period further disgraced the theme of collective security. “Moreover, by means of the Bretton Woods infrastructure that had been put in place, she was uniquely situated to assist the European states to get back on their feet and to begin to play the role of mentor to the non-Western peoples of the world. As is so often the case in such matters, the results of her endeavors turned out to be bittersweet, to say the least.” (Whitcomb, 1998)

There are several indicates that may have activated the Cold War. Firstly, the history of distrust between the Soviet Union and the USA that shaped after their alliance in World War II. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were frightened that their Communist system was under menace from the Capitalists, but the Capitalists believed in the same way about the Communists. Both systems thought that they were doing them correctly. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics thought that the West was aggressive towards them because of a few factors.

Nowhere is the demand for society more evident than in Eurasia. The former Yugoslavia is reddened; the Republic of Moldova and the Caucasus have encountered armed conflict and more may be in future; Central Asia has already shown countable instabilities, and the Baltic States are tolerating from economic breakdowns and quarrels with Moscow over Russian troop climb-downs and the rights of cultural Russians. The government of Russia, conversely, is under considerable pressure from nationalistic and conservative factors.

The division of the Soviet Union intended that new chores had to be fulfilled within the CFE model, particularly after the division of previous Soviet military assets turned one of the most controversial matters among the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which was brought together by 11 of the 15 previous Soviet republics. The CFE1 Treaty, therefore, became a model for words on the dealing with Soviet military possessions and for legalizing Western participation in these words. The heirs of the Soviet Union committed themselves to respect responsibilities under such Treaty and were advocated to manage quickly and to achieve agreement before June 1992.

At last, the East and the West blame each other and make responsible each other for such events. Some of the events even had been considered as the reason for major changes in the political, social and economical environment of Europe. Both the Allies and the Soviets were doubtful of each other, they both believed that they were in the right direction, and they were keen to fight for their causes. If Russia had not flourished into the eastern part of Europe, the Cold War would have actually been referred in history. Especially, historians conceive that both the East and the West were responsible for postwar consequences and both sides blamed each other for retaliating for their actions. The Berlin Blockade induced the Allies to become firm and stand their basis; this made them harder and stronger than earlier. Each opponent after World War II desired to gain diplomatic triumphs over its opponent. Post Revisionist Historians also think that it was both alliances’ fault, which caused the aftermath of Cold War. Modern historians also incline to conceive that the USA was reacting to matters that the Soviets were involved in, but these actions that the Soviets were considering were in reaction to Western activities.


Whitcomb, Roger S. (1998). The Cold War in Retrospect: The Formative Years. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. P. 65.

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