Global Warming and its Effects

Published 27 Mar 2017

The decline in the natural resources can be attributed to the lack of rules and regulations that prohibit and prescribe certain actions of man towards the environment. With the absence of laws that seek to sustain and uplift the status of the environment, it is no surprise that there exist the corresponding effects on the natural resources.

Moreover, the lack of governmental commitment in addressing these issues also contributes to the continuing degradation of these resources (Toothman 69). Another thing is that there are corporations and other business establishments that utilize a certain fraction of the natural resources yet fail to meet or at least craft proper business ethics that will guide their company’s actions in the proper path. Without these ethical principles of conduct, business establishments then have all the freedom to consume everything they want more than what they need and to use them in whatever possible way one can conceive of.

One of the most notable examples to the volumes of campaigns that have been pushed forward under the banner of environmental protection is the campaign of Al Gore. In his seminar documentary entitled An Inconvenient Truth, Gore discloses before the public the root causes, existing conditions, and future implications of global warming (Tenenbaum A366). His campaign does not only involve the call for a larger and more unified response from the people all over the world.

Global warming according to Gore, is the result of humanity’s negligence to the environment. It influences landform evolution and in the process and emphasizes changing atmospheric composition of greenhouse gases. Even though there are still man who are skeptic about the presence of ‘global warming’, nations concerned and touched with this new information are supporting “Go Green” campaigns and their respective governments are also spending an ample amount of the finances to help in saving mother earth and the future.


  • Kinney, Joe. “Addressing Global Warming.” Environmental Health Perspectives 111.3 (2003): A144.
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