
2209 posts

How to Write an Essay Fast

Many college assignments have a time limit set by the professor. You may have also been busy that you put your paper aside and now you need to cope with your task really fast. You may have no idea how to write an essay fast. You can facetime limits in the exam. If you feel that you can not cope with your essay, research paper or any other assignment quickly under a time constraint, this article is what you are looking for. Follow our tips and we will show you...
6 min

How to Write a College Paper

How to write a college paper and get an A? Common question that appears in student's mind when it comes to the completing of written assignments. The better you represent your knowledge in writing form, the higher is your academic rating. It is true. Depending on the subject and the scientific field, a college lecturer may give you a task to write a lab report, a book review, or a proposal essay. Your groupmates may complain that preparation takes a lot of efforts, presence of special writing skills, and iron...
7 min

How to Write an Assignment

Want to score well on your assignments? University and college lecturers judge students' understanding of the particular subject by giving different types of written tasks. Reports, essays, term paper, articles, book reviews and research papers. The list can be endless. Additionally, you need to become an expert in various academic standards and formatting styles, but it cannot sound attractive especially when you have tight time limits. What if I told you, that there exist particular tips for making the writing process easier? There are many templates and samples available on...
7 min

How to Write a Research Paper Step by Step

Don't know where to start your future research paper even if you have prepared all the needed materials? The wisest decision is to use the experience of previous students. If the stack of documents on your table awakens fear before the coming deadline, it's because of the absence of good organization. Chaos generates an endless amount of unnecessary actions which leads to failure. Writing a research paper as well as writing any academic assignment for college or high school requires a good deal of time, basic knowledge of text structure,...
6 min

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How to Write an Essay in MLA Format

There are many types of styles students need to use depending on a discipline. Often students in college or university need to present their dissertations, research and term papers, essays cited in APA, MLA, Chicago styles. Students should observe the rules. Each essay writing format is used to recognize related literary works. You should know the basic difference between these formats to meet the requirements of the professor and get everything perfect. In this article, we will show how to write an essay in MLA format properly. You will find...
7 min

How to Write a Term Paper

Generally, it is a written assignment of reasonable length in which it is necessary to analyze and interpret the obtained information concerning a specific topic. In real life, it is a stressful and troublesome process, especially for dummies. Every semester college and high school students are required to prepare term papers on a research topic relevant to the subject covered in the class. Writing a concise text is the aim for many students as mediocre results cannot bring academic success. Want to take your term paper to the head of...
6 min

How To Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

When you are ready to start an essay, you need to know which type you are supposed to use. There are many types including compare and contrast, persuasive, cause and effect, argumentative and other. Coping with numerous academic tasks is a big challenge for many college and high school students. They can simply lack time to do everything. You should be aware how to write five paragraph essay because it is one of the most commonly used and simplest structure when it comes to writing compositions. Fine writing skills on...
7 min

5 Steps To an Essay

Most of the students get confused or even stressed when they are asked to come up with this piece of writing an assignment. "Who can you write my essay for me?" they often ask us. The answer is simple - you can do it yourself with our writing guide.Essay writing is a very big part of the process. You will face it throughout the academic year. No matter where you study whether it is high school, college or university, you need to know steps to a persuasive essay. It will...
7 min

What makes you the right candidate?

This essay has been written on the topic “what makes you the right candidate?"for the purpose of applying to Golden Gate University.I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and was raised up in Jakarta and Singapore. I have also lived in Seoul Korea for two years. Due to this, I have the skills of knowing a number of languages such as English, Bahasa Indonesia, Korean and Mandarin. Being born and raised at different places has not only made me learn multi-languages but I am multi-cultural as well and I have a...
5 min

Admission Essay

When I look back at my college days and reminisce the times when academic requirements are piling up at my study table, I can't help but give myself a pat at the back for a job well done. Having to keep up with exams week is no easy feat and being a student is a lot hard. Now that I already am a professional, I thought my passion for knowledge is long gone. I have with me the skills i need to land a decent job. However, working for an...
4 min

Changes in the College Campus Population

Once upon a time, a person could secure an entry-level position with a company of merit and look forward to hard work and time on-the-job resulting in a variety of rewards. Among these rewards were the expectation of moving up within the company's ranks, an increase in one's job security, and a greater understanding of one's duties-all of which added up to an ever-growing sense of satisfaction and comfort while looking forward to a hard-earned retirement.College Students Frequently Tell EssayLab support:Where can I get writing help or just buy well-written...
5 min

Writing in the Workplace

I have learned technical writing in college, which landed me a job as a Quality Test Engineer, wherein a part of my job entails submission of technical reports or documentation. This ability of mine made me appreciate and love my job more. This even inspired me to give an advice to students who also plan to enter the world of technical writing. Here are the details of my story: I earned a baccalaureate degree in college wherein I majored in Business. Not much writing courses or subjects were required in...
4 min

An Unforgettable Transcript

When I was in elementary school, I thought I might get into a university one day. It became my dream after I entered middle school. Competition in Hong Kong is stronger than it is in the United States for high school students who are looking to be accepted into colleges. Applicants who do not have the required grades will be excluded. However, the academic competition in Hong Kong has created too many perfect scores. Students who have satisfied the grade requirement still not can be sure that they will get...
6 min

Writing a research paper

A friend of mine said the other day, "It's just a paper." And while he was right, and when I work myself into a frenzy over it, I should remember that, but when I sit back and reflect on the progress I've made, and what I want to do next, it is so much more than a paper. It is an experiment, the biggest challenge to me as a thinker and as a writer at this moment in time. It is a capstone experience that I can really feel I...
6 min

Response to the Resume

Ms. Celina Newcomb267 Stage Trail RoadBismarck, ND 58507Dear Ms. Newcomb:Thank you for submitting your application to our organization. According to your resume, you have the necessary qualifications for the position of Investigator I.According to our standard procedures, you are required to take the state qualifying examination. Qualified applicants with the top five score will be invited to a structured interview to be scheduled at a later date. You will be notified of an interview appointment if you are in the top five applicants.Your examination time has been scheduled for Monday,...
2 min
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