History Essays

187 posts

California Gold Rush

The nineteenth century was the great era of North American gold rushes. Beginning in North Carolina in 1799, gold rushes were initially a southern phenomenon, centered along the eastern piedmont of the Appalachians. A rush in the Cherokee Nation contributed to the forced removal of Cherokees in the 1830s.The western rushes began in 1848 with a gold discovery in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, just as the United States acquired California from Mexico, and they shared characteristics with those in the South. The story begins with James Marshall's accidental...
9 min

History and Relics of UAE

Like all other countries and cultures, much may be discovered about UAE through the examination of its history and relics. Many of these important discoveries concern the country livelihood, culture, art and people. Most of these aspects of life in UAE exist as a result of the country's location in the world. As already mentioned, UAE has a very important strategic location in relation to its community, to the natural resources and to the countries surrounding it.Undergraduates Frequently Tell EssayLab specialists:I don't want to write 5 page police brutality essay...
3 min

Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu was a prominent African leader who founded the great Zulu empire.Shaka Zulu was born around 1788 in a place called Melmoth. His parents belonged to the Mhlongo tribe which was ruled by Chieftain Dingiswayo Kamthethwa who was the most influential ruler in the area. Shaka Zulus parents were from the same clan and their marriage was against the Zulus laws. Shaka Zulus and his mother, Nandi were marginalized in the community, and this forced them to escape when Shaka Zulu was six years old and they sought refuge...
10 min

Zinn’s People’s History of the United States

The simple answer to the question is that Zinn prefers to emphasize the atrocities and the negatives that occurred during the period of Columbus' incursions and Pilgrim settlements into the New World.In the case of Columbus, there is great emphasis on the fact that plunder and conquest was the main objective of the discovery. Furthermore, there is significant emphasis on the issue of whether or not Columbus was an imperialist seeking to enrich himself as opposed to presenting the man as a noble discoverer driven by altruism.College Students Very Often...
7 min

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Leadership in Ancient Russia

Serge Zenkovsky's (1963) Medieval Russia's Epics, Chronicles, and Tales contains the writings of many Russian scholars during the Middle Ages. From the year 1040 until 1118, Russian scholars wrote "a very complicated work... in the course of some three-quarters of a century" (Zenkovsky, 1963, p.43). Starting with the birth of Russia, the 'Chronicles' begins in 852 that, in the Byzan and Russian calendars, land on 6360 (p.43), then it reveals significant people, events, rules, trends, and doctrines that reflect the nature of the land and its people. One of these...
7 min

Yukio Mishima, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, trans. Ivan Morris.

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishima was based on a real life incident. This particular incident happened in Japan in the year of 1950. It was by that time that the Zen temple of Kinkakuji was burned to the ground by one of their acolytes. Originally, the acolyte's plan was to die along with the temple but he changed his mind after seeing the fire. This is the main incident which Mishima used as the building block for his story. The protagonist in the story is Mizoguchi....
5 min

Ending the War

If I can do anything I want even if I only have a day for it, I would want to be a President of the country. I will, of course, address all the dilemmas of the country, including critical issues that entail poverty, unemployment, violence, education, global warming, drug abuse, school shooting, homelessness, stem cell research, abortion, injustice, racial discrimination, drunk driving, immigration, etc. However, my major focus will be on addressing the issues with regards to the war and carry out everything to be able to put a stop...
3 min

Changing of America

The period from1815 to 1861 saw a tremendous array of changes in the national landscape of America. It was an age of revolution characterized by economic growth, nationalism and a growing awareness of a unique American identity.Our Customers Usually Tell EssayLab writers:How much do I have to pay someone to make my essay online?Specialists advise: Your Best Essay HelperBuy College Essays Online Buy Essay Online Cheap Top Essay Writing Custom Essay CompanyThe events that took place during the market revolution had helped define the culture, political structure and ideology of...
14 min

York As They Saw It

The city of York has gone through several incarnations since its founding by the Romans in 71 AD, from its time as a fortress city to being one of the cultural, economic and religious centers of the U.K., York has been an important part of the history of the region. With each succeeding occupation from the Romans, to the Vikings to finally the English York has been adapted to suit the needs of its inhabitants and it shows through the diverse relics of architecture, cultural backgrounds and social nuances that...
8 min

Yes and No

Has the practice of politics, as discussed in Hardball, moved our government too far from the framers' original intent of the Constitution as discussed in A Brilliant Solution?My answer: Yes and no.No, because I think A Brilliant Solution narrates how the large or macro structures of the American government and of American politics came historically into being. In the process, it painted a warts-and-all picture of the delegates of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, as well as of the deliberations they undertook to craft the American Constitution. (I don't think the...
6 min


The occurrence of the Second World War could really be termed as a continuation of the First World War. The important events after the WWI had really impacted and eventually caused the insurgence of another world war. It is noteworthy to say this early that since the beginning of ancient civilizations until the two world wars and the subsequent world events up to this contemporary period the root of all the conflicts is no other than the pursuit of power, in this particular case world dominance and supremacy.According to history,...
5 min

The Cold War and WWII

Sometimes we doubt, whether the Cold War has been a "real" war. We might think that the Cold War was hardly a "real" war due to the absence of real military actions between the nations. On the one hand, "the reality" of war is not limited by military operations. On the other hand, the history of the Cold War is filled with military examples of a "real" war. That stage of historical development requires thorough re-consideration through the prism of its chronology and the most important events. WWII will become...
7 min

World War 2

In World War II (WWII) the US with its allies were able to defeat two great powers Germany and Japan in three years and nine months. On the other hand, the war on terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq has taken six years and still counting. Van Evera critiques the US strategy dealing with war on terrorism and calls to learn the lessons that lead to success in WWII.WWII could have been lost or it could have cost much more in terms of money and deaths but the US applied a...
6 min


Paul Fussell, author, social critic, historian and a noted University of Pennsylvania Professor of English literature, believes that the World War I was the chief instrument that changed the approach of British literature. His belief was that the war motivated the writers to indulge in creating characters that are fundamentally ‘modern' and their presence changed the basic structure of the literature and British literature lost its innocence. Fussell also suggested that traditional themes were reconstructed and the language of literature also changed along with the themes involved. (Lamb, 227-8) In...
10 min

Women of World War II

Indeed, the world wars that happened in history were two events which claimed millions of lives, stained interstate relationships, damaged billions worth of properties, and other possible injuries inflicted to humankind. Those were among the dark ages of the world. Though it happened years ago the scars left to its victims remain to be felt until this modern time. On the contrary, during the height of the entrance of the United States to the Second World War, a drastic change occurred within American society which can be considered as a...
6 min
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