Immanuel Kant

Published 14 Apr 2017

Scope: The scope of Kant’s ethics include that reason is directed by the three problems; God, the soul and freedom which is directed to moral interests only (“Immanuel Kant”, 2008).To seek out the foundational principle of metaphysic of morals.

Breadth: This includes the pure philosophy which comprises freedom and the utmost aim for life (“Immanuel Kant”, 2008). Immanuel Kant focused also on perception of things and ideas. Metaphysics of moral is mainly the main idea of Kant.

Unit: Priori is the unit used by Kant to establish such theory. Priori is the best way to determine the principle of human being and to conclude how to act. (R. Johnson, 2004).
Jeremy Bentham

Scope: Jeremy Bentham states that pain and pleasure govern mankind as well as chain of causes and effect for right or wrong (“Jeremy Bentham”, 2008).

Breadth: Mainly, this theory includes moral and its consequences. Also, it’s all about happiness and utility of one’s moral idea (W. Sweet, 2006). Bentham also tackles about the rights of animals. Economics is also one part of the theory of Bentham.

Unit: Happiness is the greatest factor in the theory of Jeremy Bentham (W. Sweet, 2006). It is also a part of all his theories.

James Mill

Scope: James Mill’s idea is based on Bentham’s “principle of happiness” (T. Ball, 2005). The idea is to maximize happiness and minimize pain (T. Ball, 2005).

Breadth: The breadth of it is based on the happiness and pain. Generally, Mill focused on public policy and democracy (T. Ball, 2005).

Unit: Simply, the unit of James Mill is happiness. The measure of his theories is the greatness of happiness.

Work Cited

  • “Immanuel Kant”. 2008.
  • “Jeremy Bentham”. 2008.
  • R. Johnson. “Kant’s Moral Philosophy”. 2004.
  • T. Ball. “James Mill”. 2005.
  • W. Sweet. “Jeremy Bentham”. 2006.
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