Interagency Intelligent Mangement

Published 21 Dec 2016


The peace and order in the country is one of the main tasks that most agencies will have to cope with. If one would like to live peacefully in a certain place there must be a proper look up on how the place looks and to see the condition in terms of peace and order. How could one live happily and orderly if there was a problem of peace and order itself in the community. So to ensure that the community to live with, one should see to it that the place has a good laws and policies that caters those peace and order problem.

This paper covers the ability of the state to protect the peace and order prior to the risk of the people living. Task to cover up would be policies and laws hinder the best to protect the state of the nation peace and order. Like for instance, task force is one agency to consider that focus on interagency intelligent management. The local, state, federal and military working intelligence will be one to be examined. How does the following agency create their laws and policies contribute to the peace and order of the country.

This research out views will discuss about how interagency task force address to the new threats in peace and order that was happen in state under the threats of bad elements of the society. Thus the task force like FBI will be having moves on how was the problem is process under their custody. Also, looking at the state response like USA to the national security system about threats of terrorism. Its local state in a certain community where attacks happen, that is, examine the moves done by local and the state response to the peace and order problem encounter. Also, speaking of federal management response to the peace and order problem will be discussed prior to policies and laws followed in order to solve this peace and order problem. Polices will be examine as it is implemented for the purpose of coping up to solve the problem which has been faced. Likewise, the different defense system in USA, the military task force that is trying to exert the beast effort they can do in order to tackle all the threats by terrorism attacks. Taking into accounts the USA air force views on to solve the peace and order problem.

Body of the Paper:

One of the agencies to take into accounts is the FBI or the federal bureau of investigation, United State department of justice, and the federal investigative agency. It has its own function that will investigate violation to the federal laws like subversive acts such as terrorism, attacks of bad elements in the society. One of the studies presented on how FBI works accordingly to responds terrorism attacks. “The FBI has created an interagency task force to coordinate intelligence and field operations in response to information that al Qaeda plans to attack the United States within a few months, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Wednesday “(Strohm, Chris. “Interagency task force to address new terror threats”.)”.

This creation of FBI is one of the activities that is in return will answer to solve problem of terrorism if not the best but at least action has been made to encounter the solution on how this terrorism attacks be prevented. Actually as the studies goes in it taking action like in response to the incidence that of the railway bombings that had happen.

The FBI was trying to counterpart on how it is prevented on the next time to happen this railway bombing to occur. That was happen since it was the on the onset of election and that terrorist against the government election will try to showed their disapproval that’s why attacks in railways had happen. These bad elements should be stop and FBI take action on how to prevent the other times for those bad elements to attack again. So the counterpart made by the FBI is to ensure the national security of the federal state.

Because it was already found that a big percent of terrorist attack had already observed to happen so FBI launce the agencies to counterpart and stop the more attacks to come soon in the pace which were very much affected on that incidents. That’s why the FBI established threat task force. Actually its is a national security defense that is declared in the special events in the state like summer events, and high-profile events in fall where people are so concern this days and even most people gathered. So the FBI closely examined what is possible solution to encounter those attacks happen.

The responds of the united state to those threats like terrorism attacks or the ability of the united state to prevent in whatever actions to do by the government in order to stop or prevent terrorism is one of the challenge to the government to overcome the solution to the best FBI can do. The plan made by the federal state like implementing policies such as agencies that brings about those policies so as to implement the best security policies.”To ensure this policy is implemented in a coordinated manner, the Concept of Operations Plan, hereafter referred to as the CONPLAN, is designed to provide overall guidance to Federal, State and local agencies concerning how the Federal government would respond to a potential or actual terrorist threat or incident that occurs in the United States, particularly one involving WMD (“Study taken from Introduction and background”. http:”. Department of justice or FBI as it is commonly known to be.

Below are agencies possible to ensure the national security force in united state as well. Also mention duties and responsibilities the agencies imposed to ensure peace and order accordingly:

1. Department of Justice (DOJ)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

The Attorney General is responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of policies directed at preventing terrorist attacks domestically, and will undertake the criminal prosecution of these acts of terrorism that violate U.S. law. DOJ has charged the FBI with execution of its LFA responsibilities for the management of a Federal response to terrorist threats or incidents that take place within U.S. territory or those occurring in international waters that do not involve the flag vessel of a foreign country. As the lead agency for crisis management, the FBI will implement a Federal crisis management response.

As LFA, the FBI will designate a Federal on-scene commander to ensure appropriate coordination of the overall United States Government response with Federal, State and local authorities until such time as the Attorney General transfers the overall LFA role to FEMA. The FBI, with appropriate approval, will form and coordinate the deployment of a Domestic Emergency Support Team (DEST) with other agencies, when appropriate, and seek appropriate Federal support based on the nature of the situation.

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

As the lead agency for consequence management, FEMA will manage and coordinate any Federal consequence management response in support of State and local governments in accordance with its statutory authorities. Additionally, FEMA will designate appropriate liaison and advisory personnel for the FBI’s Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC) and deployment with the DEST, the Joint Operations Center (JOC), and the Joint Information Center (JIC).

3. Department of Defense (DOD)

DOD serves as a support agency to the FBI for crisis management functions, including technical operations, and a support agency to FEMA for consequence management. In accordance with DOD Directives 3025.15 and 2000.12 and the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff CONPLAN 0300-97, and upon approval by the Secretary of Defense, DOD will provide assistance to the LFA and/or the CONPLAN primary agencies, as appropriate, during all aspects of a terrorist incident, including both crisis and consequence management.DOD assistance includes threat assessment; DEST participation and transportation; technical advice; operational support; tactical support; support for civil disturbances; custody, transportation and disposal of a WMD device; and other capabilities including mitigation of the consequences of a release.

DOD has many unique capabilities for dealing with a WMD and combating terrorism, such as the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, Technical Escort Unit, and US Marine Corps Chemical Biological Incident Response Force. These and other DOD assets may be used in responding to a terrorist incident if requested by the LFA and approved by the Secretary of Defense.

4. Department of Energy (DOE)

DOE serves as a support agency to the FBI for technical operations and a support agency to FEMA for consequence management. DOE provides scientific-technical personnel and equipment in support of the LFA during all aspects of a nuclear/radiological WMD terrorist incident. DOE assistance can support both crisis and consequence management activities with capabilities such as threat assessment, DEST deployment, LFA advisory requirements, technical advice, forecasted modeling predictions, and operational support to include direct support of tactical operations.

Deployable DOE scientific technical assistance and support includes capabilities such as search operations; access operations; diagnostic and device assessment; radiological assessment and monitoring; identification of material; development of Federal protective action recommendations; provision of information on the radiological response; render safe operations; hazards assessment; containment, relocation and storage of special nuclear material evidence; post-incident clean-up; and on-site management and radiological assessment to the public, the White House, and members of Congress and foreign governments. All DOE support to a Federal response will be coordinated through a Senior Energy Official.

5. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

EPA serves as a support agency to the FBI for technical operations and a support agency to FEMA for consequence management. EPA provides technical personnel and supporting equipment to the LFA during all aspects of a WMD terrorist incident. EPA assistance may include threat assessment, DEST and regional emergency response team deployment, LFA advisory requirements, technical advice and operational support for chemical, biological, and radiological releases. EPA assistance and advice includes threat assessment, consultation, agent identification, hazard detection and reduction, environmental monitoring; sample and forensic evidence collection/analysis; identification of contaminants; feasibility assessment and clean-up; and on-site safety, protection, prevention, decontamination, and restoration activities.

EPA and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) share responsibilities for response to oil discharges into navigable waters and releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants into the environment under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). EPA provides the predestinated Federal On-Scene Coordinator for inland areas and the USCG for coastal areas to coordinate containment, removal, and disposal efforts and resources during an oil, hazardous substance, or WMD incident.

6. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

HHS serves as a support agency to the FBI for technical operations and a support agency to FEMA for consequence management. HHS provides technical personnel and supporting equipment to the LFA during all aspects of a terrorist incident. HHS can also provide regulatory follow-up when an incident involves a product regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. HHS assistance supports threat assessment, DEST deployment, epidemiological investigation, LFA advisory requirements, and technical advice. Technical assistance to the FBI may include identification of agents, sample collection and analysis, on-site safety and protection activities, and medical management planning. Operational support to FEMA may include mass immunization, mass prophylaxis, mass fatality management, pharmaceutical support operations (National Pharmaceutical Stockpile), contingency medical records, patient tracking, and patient evacuation and definitive medical care provided through the National Disaster Medical System.


The different agencies are the best solution of any state local or national, military task force and other forces work hand in hand to ensure social security in terms of peace and order. If all those mention agencies function according to one purpose or aims and is synchronized on every moves they done, there is no way for the terrorist to continue its bad plan to nation state attacks in any form of terrorism. This plan will properly implemented as to encounter how to pushed away terrorism.


  • Strohm, Chris. “Interagency task force to address new terror threats”.
  • “Study taken from Introduction and background”.
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