Jurassic Park

Published 05 Oct 2016

The amount of researching process done to establish a clear outlook of the story for Jurassic Park is one of its strongest points in terms of film quality. For those people who are not really familiar with how dinosaurs were like based on physical characteristics, the film was able to present a very interesting way of reliving the passion of humans in discovering the life forms which existed millions of years ago. The technique of the writer, as well as the director to incorporate the major players in the dinosaur community, was truly a feast for the senses.

The most interesting part in the movie which can be perceived as accurate is the justification of the physical form of the dinosaur creatures. Apparently, every complete detail of each creature was manipulated based on scientific studies of the skeletal formations of unearthed species. The accuracy of the movements, the skin texture and the characters of each dinosaur species were all patterned out to what science experts have presented. However, just like any other science fiction movies, there can be observed some flaws in the technical and conceptual accuracy of the overall run of the film. A good example can be seen when a visual presentation in the main laboratory was initiated. It explained the process of cloning which leads to the creation of the dinosaurs. In the scientific process, a surrogate host organism should contain the artificially reproduced DNA of a certain creature. The first requirement in cloning is a host. (Melcher, 1998). However, the said presentation was not able to discuss what creature was responsible for hosting the dinosaurs. All it said is that the missing genetic code was retrieved from a frog’s. On the technical note, there was a scene in which the lead actress examined the droppings of a Triceratops (the dying horned dinosaur). A number of droppings were enormous that it can never be contained inside a single Triceratops’ digestive system. Obviously, the materials were forced to be taken in that huge amount just to permit the scene’s intention to exaggerate.


Melcher, U. 1998. Molecular Genetics. Molecular Cloning. http://info.library.okstate.edu/microbiology-and-molecular-genetics

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