The Unity As Effective Mechanism Towards Developmenta

Published 28 Jul 2016

A fundamental resource for the future of the world is the oneness humanity. The unity has been regarded as the most effective mechanism towards development. It encompasses almost every aspect of life such as politics, economics, social and cultural affairs, international relations, preceded inevitably by a personal development. This could be reached through

  • the oneness of mankind
  • universal peace upheld by one government
  • independent investigation of truth
  • the common foundation of all religions
  • the essential harmony of science and religion
  • equality of men and women
  • elimination of prejudice of all kinds
  • universal compulsory education
  • a spiritual solution to economic problems
  • a universal auxiliary language

Although in former centuries and times this subject received some measure of mention and consideration, it has now become the paramount issue and question in religious, political and social conditions of the world. History shows that throughout the past there have been continual warfare and strife among the various nations, peoples, and sects, but now, in this century of illumination, hearts are inclined toward agreement ad fellowship, and minds are thoughtful upon the question of the unification of mankind. What incalculable benefits would descend upon the great human family if unity and brotherhood were established!

In this century when the beneficent results of unity and ill effects of discord are so clearly apparent, the means for the attainment and accomplishment of human fellowship have appeared in the world.

The world is in greatest need of international peace. Until it is established, mankind will not attain composure and tranquility. Warfare and strife will be uprooted disagreement and dissension pass away and universal peace unites nations and peoples of the world. All mankind will dwell together as one family, blend as waves of one sea, shine as stars of one firmament and appear as fruits of the same tree.

True civilization will unfurl its banner in the midmost heart of the world whenever a certain number of it’s distinguished and high-minded sovereigns-the shining exemplars of devotion and determination- shall for the good and the happiness of mankind, arise, with firm resolve and clear vision, to establish a Union of the nations of the world.

The fundamental principle underlying this solemn goal must be applied to the sick body of the world and this world will assuredly recover from its ills and will remain eternally safe and secure.

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