Hybrid Car Is a Highly Economical Car


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Energy conservation has become a developing trend not only to the educated but also to the ordinary citizen.
Efficiency in fuel consumption with minimal pollution has become touchstone for any automobile new in the market
In this context Hybrid Cars comes in handy

Hybrid cars history stretches back 100 years. They any vehicle that run with two power source. A combination of gasoline engine with electric motor produce a hybrid power train known as hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).
The first hybrid vehicle known as System Lohner- Porsche mixte featured in 1899 courtesy of engineer Ferdinand Porsche. It was well received and about 300 HEVs were produced.
In 1960s, the U.S congress enacted a law that encouraged massive use of HEVs in an move to reduce the air pollution. However, there was a public out cry due to escalated gasoline fuel prices which was brought about by the increased demand and the low supply of gasoline. Back then about 85% of American workers drove to work and the soared fuel prices was a major setback.
In the late 1990s, Toyota RAV-4EV and GM EV1 were introduced however the two newcomers did not pick public interest until when Toyota Prius was released in 1997 in Japan. The hybrid was an alternative to gasoline
In 1999,Honda Insight became the first mass production HEV to be introduced in the united states.However, it was Toyota Prius sedan launched in 2000 that gave the hybrid technology foothold that it anticipated for many years. The hybrid continued improving over years with promising future.
Plug- In hybrid is the next change that consumers should expect in the next few years. The plug-in version of hybrid is expected to operate at an extended range in all electric modes. It is expected that plug in hybrid will have 40 to miles range in electric- only mode with speed of 50mph. Another technology is NiCad phase out and diesel-hybrid development.

What are hybrid cars?
Hybrid vehicle combines two or more power sources
For instance:
motorized pedal bike(mo-ped) combines the gasoline engine power with the power of the pedal of its rider
hybrid- electric vehicle combines the electric motor with conventional internal combustion engine power (Hoen & Koetse 2014,P.p. 199)
Examples are GM EV1, Toyota RAV-4EV, Toyota Prius, Honda Insight and the volt

In the late 1960s, GM EV1 and Toyota RAV-4 EV are good examples that were introduced though failed to attract public attention. An alternative to gasoline hybrid electric vehicles was launched in Japan in 1997 called Toyota Prius. In 1999 Honda Insight in the United States produced enormous number of HEV. Chevrolet introduced the volt.

In 1839: first electric vehicle was built
1898:Ferdinand Porsche built the first hybrid car
1905: electric-gas car was modeled
1997: availability of Toyota Prius in Japan
1999: US released Honda insight
2002 : hybrid of Honda Civic was launched
2004 : Ford Escape hybrid and Toyota Prius II was introduced
2007: hybrid of Toyota Highlander was launched
2009: S400 blue Mercedez- Benz hybrid using lithium ion battery was released
2010: Mazda Tribute Crossover (Demirdöven & Deutch 2012,P.p. 975)

History of hybrid cars

In 1839, the first electric vehicle was built by Robert Anderson of Aberdeen

In 1898,Dr Ferdinand Porsche the Austrian at the age of 23 modeled the first car known as the Lohner Electric Chaise becoming the first front wheel drive car in the world. He built the second car which used internal combustion engine to spin the generator that powered the electric motors that were located at the wheel hub. The car could travel for about 40 miles.
In 1905 H.Piper an American engineer had an idea of using electric motor to assist an internal combustion engine that enabled it to achieve 25 mph. he filed a patent for the same.
in 1997,hybrid vehicle were produced at a large scale by the Audi. It was powered by the 90 horse power1.9 -litre TDI in combination with 29 horsepower electric motor. The two power source drove the front wheels. Lead gel battery used to store the electrical energy.
In 1999, Honda manufacturers produced two door insight which was the first car to hit the market in U.S. the new make earned awards and also receive EPA mileage rating of 61 mpgcity and also 70 mpg highway.


Reasons for hybrid cars
Fuel consumption has been reduced
Long term increased savings
Build a bridge for the future
Enjoying special benefits
Used as a means of enviromental consumption.(Hoen & Koetse 2014,P.p. 203)

Hybrid vehicle help in reducing fuel consumption. For instance Toyota Prius’s 60 mpg in the city and 51 mpg on the highway. Hybrid cars can go for 600 miles between fill ups cutting visits to the fuel stations saving ones time and money. If you drive 1,000 miles and the consumption rate is 20 miles per gallon it means that one will save $700 per year.
Hybrid cars produce a 90 % lesser smog-forming tailpipe emmissions as compared to an average new car


Issues with global warming
Hybrids cars are lesser emitters of CO2 than conventional cars
Car types determine the amount of emission
For example: Toyota Prius has CO2 emission of 4.0 tones/year 55% less than other cars of the same class.
Honda civic: hybrid 3.9t/yr
Ford explorer:11.0t/yr(Hoen & Koetse 2014,P.p. 200 )

Hybrids cars has emission les than traditional vehicles. The partial use of the electric powered engine reduce emission that are harmful to the environment. Toyota Prius used by about one million people worldwide claims that it has an emmisio of 140g/km which is approximately 55% less than other cars that are equipped with devices that controls emission.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the control of CO2 emission should top the green agenda. CO2 is one of the green houses gases and evidence show that these gas causes climate change.

CO2 emission
PHEV emits less than conventional vehicles
Electric vehicles has the least CO2 emission rate

Electric vehicle emits less CO2 as compared to conventional gas vehicle.
The above illustration shows that all electric vehicles like plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV) for example Chevy Volt causes an average lesser carbon dioxide compared to conventional powered vehicles.
For example in India hybrid cars causes cause lesser emission that PHEV electric vehicle on the other hand causes a fewer emission compared conventional gasoline powered cars.


Current situation
New hybrid cars increase in the supply
Toyota Prius remains most popular, with 23% market share.

Consumer today have about 47 choices in picking hybrid vehicle almost double the number in 2009.
Toyota Prius remains the most popular. It 23% market share currently it has launched new models which now accounts for 40% of the total hybrid market.
The automakers are turning into hybrid manufacturing due to current government fuel economy standards.

Oil consumption

The consumption rate is based on gasoline. Electricity is measured in form of kilowatts. The kilowatt are the units used to determine how much of the electricity the car would use in 100 miles per hour. Fuel is measured in terms of gallons used.
The chart shows non linear relationship between gallons used given distance and miles per gallon. The fuel savings, in form of gallons for the vehicle that gets 10 miles per gallon versus a car that have the same 15 mile per gallon assuming 1000 miles.


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Hybrid Car Is a Highly Economical Car. (2022, Feb 10). Retrieved from https://essaylab.com/essays/hybrid-car-is-a-highly-economical-car

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