Lena Pope Launching a New Website

For Immediate Release

Lena Pope Launching a New Website
The renowned award-winning nonprofit organization, Lena Pope, will be launching a new website that the management believes will be transformative in the manner the organization communicates with its clients and the public.
The National Accreditation Commission accredited organization that was also feted by the Fort Worth Business Press as the Best Place to Work, nonprofit category, will be launching the website on Friday, November 24, 2016 at their headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. The organization’s Executive director, Todd Landry, who has had a lengthy experience working for the institution, hailed the new website as a major milestone in the operations of the organization which has been serving vulnerable children since its inception in 2012. According to the spokesperson, the site’s web address will remain www.lenapope.org. It will, however, be more user-friendly, interactive, phone friendly and more informative. The organization has earned a reputation for its holistic approach in education whereby it seeks to impact children by the provision of extra packages including counseling, life skills training, therapy, anger management and support. It is hoped that the website will facilitate the organization’s outreach so that its services can reach more vulnerable children. It is also unique in its transformative and innovative family and community focused education as espoused by the Second Opportunity for Success program and several other programs that the organization continues to pursue. Mr. Landry contends that the website will be reflective of this dynamic era when parents are increasingly busy at work yet they still need to perform their duties as mothers and fathers.
The content carried by the site will be quite broad. It will contain the organizations’ history, the mission statement, the goals and comprehensive information about its substituent institutions. The organization’s top management anticipate that the website will be integral to the organization’s success in the future as it endeavors to continue giving “children the best possible foundation and support for future success”. The visitors to the site will have access to a breakdown of information regarding its inception including the solemn story of how it began, its achievements and various other aspects that have characterized its growth. Notably, current and future programs and events will also be outlined and associated details provided.
An important aspect of the website will be the ease of navigation. As such, visitors accessing the site will be able to locate various resources of their interest with much efficiency. In this regard, quality resources targeted at parents will be accessible. This is aimed at aiding parents to instill important values as well as responsibility in their children. In essence, the site is hoped to be a tool for transforming parenthood positively in the belief that it will make the organization’s impact more powerful by helping transform children into responsible citizens. Other important resources will include parenting toolkits that will be tailor-made for specific age group’s needs, educative videos that the site’s visitor can download, a guide on recommended family oriented activities, and expert’s opinion on various touchy family matters. Other than being completely compatible with mobile phone use, the site has further been made friendlier by not only its smarter design but also its linking with major social media platforms; Twitter and Facebook. This will make it more interactive as well as relevant as the visitors can have timely notifications of new projects, important dates while accessing important articles.
With the organizations long history of community transformation, only time will reveal if the new website will prove useful.

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