Teaching Kids the Concepts of Printing



Concepts of Print

Concepts of print are the general comprehensions of reading. Additionally, the latter concept refers to the knowledge regarding the utilization of books and print collectively. Concepts of print encompass going through a text from top to bottom or from right to left. The alphabet principle is fundamental when handling issues regarding the concept of print. Different instructional strategies can be utilized to teach kids concepts of print. Some of the most used strategies include interactive reading a text loudly, discussion regarding parts of a book, talking about the author, talking about the instructor and allowing children to be authors (Clay 2000).
One of the strategies is through reading a text aloud. The approach enables students to be able to comprehend the basic knowledge about reading. Through reading a text loudly students that have weaknesses and challenges in reading texts will get a chance to understand how different words are pronounced. The other crucial issue thing those students who have reading challenges learn is how some letter sounds are produced so that they can enhance their reading abilities (Lomax 1987). Asking students that have difficulties in reading to read texts loudly as well offer them an opportunity to practice what they learned and in the long run they found themselves skilled and equipped with proper reading skills.
The other strategy that can be adapted to teach the student about concepts of print is discussing parts of the book with the kids. Applying the strategy will enable kids to be able to comprehend the different section of the book, for instance, the preface, the content part and the cover of the book. The latter will enable them to enhance their reading skills.
Talking about the author is the other approach that teachers can utilize to teach children about concepts of print is discussing the author. When children discuss about the author, they tend to get to desire to read more about the author and their works.
The other instructional approach that teachers can use to teach children concepts of print is by discussing the illustrators in the books as well as all print in general. Students should be able to identify illustrations in prints so that they can appreciate the role of an illustrator in a book. The latter will enable students to learn various reading skills in the process (Clay 1989).
The final instructional technique that can be used to teach children concepts of print is allowing children to become authors. When children are allowed to compose stories on their own, they get a chance to put into practice their reading skills in the sense that they will try to compose something that is in line with the concepts found in reading skills.
The text that I will adapt for grade 4 students that have challenges with their reading skills is regarding the one on issues of describing in depth a character, storyline or setting of a story. There are three different activities that one can implement to ensure that the text above is implemented for the students that have challenges in reading. One of the fundamental activities that can be implemented is through assigning students with reading assignments then asks them to describe a character deeply. The latter technique enables students to enhance their reading skills as they read texts in depth. Additionally, the other technique that teachers can use is asking the students to go through a story or any other text and ask them to narrate to the rest of the class what they have understood from the reading and the whole activity. Finally, the other activity would be motivating children to read more by rewarding students tat read more texts. The activity will make the students ti develop their reading skills so that they can be rewarded as well.
This part will describe why I choose the instructional strategy used above to help students that have a challenge with their reading skills. The reason as to why reading texts aloud is one of the best instructional strategy is because practice makes perfect. Frequent reading of texts loudly enhances the reading skills of an individual student. Secondly, discussing different parts of the book, the author and the illustrator in the classroom with both student and the teacher’s participation make students learn best practices for reading and comprehension of a text. The reason as why students are advised to use the instructional strategy of reading deeply about an individual character as well as different aspects in a book is because in the process of going through the book attentively students will learn and practice different reading strategies. As a matter of fact, asking the students to read texts on their own or even loudly for the rest of the class plays the role of offering the students with a chance of practicing various skills that can enhance their reading strategies.
In conclusion, students have different challenges thus need to be handled differently. In this paper strategy to counter reading, challenges were discussed. Students with reading challenges ought to apply different strategies that include reading texts aloud; pretending to be authors as well reading stories in details to grab the core intended purposes of various texts.

Clay, M. M. (1989). Concepts about print in English and other languages.The Reading Teacher, 42(4), 268-276.
Clay, M. M. (2000). Concepts about print: What have children learned about the way we print language?. Heinemann.
Lomax, R. G., & McGee, L. M. (1987). Young children’s concepts about print and reading: Toward a model of word reading acquisition. Reading Research Quarterly, 237-256.

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