Toxic Waste Disposal Site



Toxic Waste Disposal Site

Factors to be considered before setting Toxic Waste Disposal Site
Before setting up a toxic waste disposal site for Brown River Mountain Indian Reservation in Northern Colorado, there are various short term and long term factors that should be considered. Some of these factors are the health factors (Guerrero et al, 2013). This is because toxic wastes possess a great danger to health of the people at the proximity of the toxic waste disposal site. Government policy to allow setting up the site is a key factor that determines site location. Other factors to be considered include (Guerrero et al, 2013);
1. The geographic factor of the proposed site.
2. Long term economic importance of the site.
3. Availability of labor for the site.
4. The attitude of the individuals towards the change.
5. Long term influence of the project to the environment.
6. The area of location of the site in terms of proximity to the residential area of the Colorado people.
7. Availability of capital for setting up the toxic waste disposal site in the Northern Colorado.
Analysis of Social, Environmental and Economic Interests in developing Corporate Hazard Mitigation and Restoration Sites
Mitigation of hazard waste such as toxic waste disposal is influenced by some economic interest of the host country like for the case of the Northern Colorado project in India (Daniel, 2012). This is because most of the hazardous wastes are generated by economic activities like pharmaceuticals industries as well as cosmetic and detergent producing firms. Setting of these sites is derived by the need to generate employment opportunities likes the Northern Colorado project which targets to solve unemployment rate in the area by 65% (Daniel, 2012).
The interest to reduce environmental pollution triggers individuals to set up toxic waste disposal sites for careful handling of the hazardous waste which minimizes environmental pollution (Gotham, 2016). This is because hazardous waste is poisonous to all form of life as it influences environment via debilitating animals and plants, interfering with their growth cycles hence threatening their extinction (Blaikie et al, 2014). This waste mitigation sites helps to solve the global threat of global warming (Gotham, 2016).
Hazardous waste also cause environmental ramification which depletes natural resources and contaminates people by affecting their health. Therefore, interests for environment acts as a driving forces to mitigate these effects of hazardous wastes by setting up toxic waste disposal site like the case of Northern Colorado in India (Blaikie et al, 2014). Generally, setting up of corporate hazard restoration and mitigation projects is entirely influenced by environmental, health safety as well as the need to boost economic status.

Blaikie, P., Cannon, T., Davis, I., & Wisner, B. (2014). At risk: natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters. Routledge.
(,+P.,+Cannon,+T.,+Davis,+I.,+%26+Wisner,+B.+(2014) )
Daniel, D. E. (Ed.). (2012). Geotechnical practice for waste disposal. Springer Science & Business Media. Retrieved from
Gotham, K. F. (2016, June). Coastal Restoration as Contested Terrain: Climate Change and the Political Economy of Risk Reduction in Louisiana. In Sociological Forum. Retrieved from ( )
Guerrero, L. A., Maas, G., & Hogland, W. (2013). Solid waste management challenges for cities in developing countries. Waste management, 33(1), 220-232. Retrieved from ( )

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