Waterfall Model: Pmbok vs Agile

Running Head: PMBOK VS AGILE 1


Methods used in the past for developing software are nowadays being abandoned for modern, more agile techniques. The waterfall model utilized phases in software development. The life cycle of software development followed this phases until the final product was produced. This process resembled the natural waterfall in river hence the name the waterfall model. The water fall model follows basic steps in software development. Unlike the waterfall model the agile does not follow the sequential process. All the process are carried in an integrated system without following a specified phases.
During the feasibility phase a study is carried out to determine whether a project would be viable or not. The viability of a project is its ability to turn in a profit while at the same time being relevant to the needs of the people.
After the projects viability has been determined, it is given a green light. The process of planning for the project begins. During the planning phase specialist are assigned roles and schedule for activities is formulated
After the planning stage a design for the project is made. In the design all mechanisms for the project to meet its purpose are well defined.
The actual process of building the project takes place at this stage. All the activities specified in the project plan are executed at this stage.

After the project is build, it is tested just to make sure it suits the needs it was initially designed for.
After the flagship project is initiated, tested and proven. The production process begins. Waterfall model was adopted by pioneer website developers. The process went down in phases. One serious disadvantage of this model is that once a phase is complete and any defects found, it is difficult to retreat and make the necessary changes. It often times resulted into creation of a flawed software systems. There are several waterfall models used in information and technology projects. These models include the PRINCE2 and the PMP which is famous the world over (James, & Succi, 2012).
On the other hand an agile methodology, for example, scrum follows a linear process as opposed to incremental phases used in the waterfall model. Instead of planning for the project before hand the model applies different mechanism by integrating the activities of designers, planners, developers and testers.
This model evolved from software development philosophies. Most of software developers prefer this model over waterfall because of little limitations it possesses. This model came into prominence in the 90s.
Both models agile and waterfall have unique strengths and limitations. In this paper I am going to outline the key limitations and strengths of both models;

Advantages of waterfall model
Issues that might arise during the project lifecycle may be identified at an early stage of the project, probably in the planning phase and dealt with. An appropriate measure can be designed to deal with the problem.
The documentation of this model is extensive. The emphasis on documentation makes a professional appeal to those who may wish to invest in it.
It is simple to understand by the lay men, these are people who don’t have literacy in software development.
Disadvantages of waterfall model
This model develops software in phases, when this is done it is difficult to predict what may arise in future. It lacks the momentum going forward.
Advantages of agile model
It delivers software more quickly and at a consistent pace. There is closer working relationship between different stakeholders. All the activities are carried out in a fair and transparent manner
Why agile is preferred to waterfall
Business and markets change so fast, because of this they need a software development methodology that is dynamic and able to adapt to the needs of the market.
Agile methods of software development are flexible and emphasis on the value. Method like scrum motivates workers and improves productivity (Sliger, 2009).
Janes, A. A., & Succi, G. (2012). The dark side of agile software development. In Proceedings of the ACM international symposium on New ideas, new paradigms, and reflections on programming and software (pp. 215-228). ACM.
Sliger, M. (2009). Relating PMBOK Practices to Agile Practices–Part 3 of 4.. Relating PMBoK Practices to Agile Practices. Retrieved from StickyMinds. com web site.

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Waterfall Model: Pmbok vs Agile. (2022, Feb 06). Retrieved from https://essaylab.com/essays/waterfall-model-pmbok-vs-agile

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