Comparison and Contrast of Winter and Summer

Published 16 Jun 2017

A year is divided into four seasons namely, winter, summer, spring and autumn. These seasons are defined according to the two definitions of season that are anchored to: (1) the astronomical definition and (2) the meteorological breakdown into four three-month periods (Trenberth).

Winter is the coldest season and occurs between autumn and spring (“Winter”). It happens and extends in the northern hemisphere from the winter solstice—an occurrence when the northern hemisphere is getting less direct sunlight compared to the southern hemisphere—to the vernal equinox—the time that marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. Winter occurs during the months of December, January and February (“Winter”).

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Winter is the season when days are dull and gloomy. The mood is morose and dark; the family is bored. The cold reaches to the bones and freezes and chills throughout the body. The tree branches are bare and their leaves fall in autumn. The beauty of the trees is gone. Snows, which pile on the side of the driveway or of the yard, are covered with dirt.

On the other hand, summer is the warmest season. It happens between spring and autumn during the months of June, July and August in the northern hemisphere. It is the period and epoch of fulfillment, bliss and beauty (“Summer”).

Summer is the era of outdoor activities like going to beaches to sunbath and surf. It is the time when flowers bloom and the trees look greener than before. It is the epoch of the abundant production of food, especially agricultural food.

The aforementioned seasons are both on extremes. Winter is the coldest; in contrast, summer is the warmest or hottest. Both seasons have an effect of laziness to people because of its extreme cold and heat, respectively.

Winter possesses bad effects on plants and trees, making them stiff and bleak; while summer bestows good effects on trees and plants, allowing them to grow more and produce more fruits. Winter requires more indoor activities; on the other hand, summer requires more outside activities.

These two extreme seasons have different effects on the environment and on the people. However, due to the concept of “survival of the fittest,” living things have learned to adapt every time seasons change.

Works Cited

  • Trenberth, Kevin. “What are the Seasons?” 1983. NASA ADS. 18 February 2009
  • “Winter.” 2008. Microsoft Encarta: Online Encyclopedia. 18 February 2009
  • “Winter.” 2003. Houghton Mifflin Company. 18 February 2009
  • “Summer.” 2003. The Free Dictionary: Houghton Mifflin Company. 18 February 2009
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