Request For Proposal
Published 27 Feb 2017
Table of content
Introduction / Background
Description of the company and the organization structure: The company which desires to implement the “Employee leave tracking system” is an IT organization with nearly 2000 employees. It gets really difficult for the company to track the leave taken by the employees and to regularize the policies in place. The present manual system in place is inefficient in getting the required job done. The organization is headed by the chairperson, board of 5 directors, general managers of each project and middle and lower level managers and employees.
Business goals
The goals of the IT Company concerned is in taking up information systems projects in creating and maintaining information systems for individuals and organizations.
Project goals
To create information system to track the leave of the employees and manage them accordingly in accordance to company policies and to make necessary adjustments in their salary slips.
Scope of project
The scope of the project is that it is for the employees of the company only and does not extend for more than a year. The company is anxiously waiting for its rollout within the next financial year.
Time constraints
The time constraints for putting up this system are 6-18 months of duration. The company refills the leave’s of the employees once in a year, therefore the company would really want the system to be in place within a year.
Budget constraints
The organization that requires this system in place is ready to invest in this system with its open hands. They were looking forward for quite a long time to put a system in place so that employee leave system is monitored and digitized at the same time. Similar adjustments would make sure that extra leave taken by the employees would be adjusted with their salary slips. The most important part was to regularize the amount of leave provided by the organization with respect to their positions and service contracts. The organization is all set to sign on a blank paper to bring such a system in place.
Other factors:
Secondary factors like money constraints and document requirements can be cited. The company is willing to sign on a blank chit of paper for building this system. Document requirements are quite less as there would be enough usability provided in the system.
Technical Standards
The proposed system would be following the six sigma quality process in implementing the work.
Existing system
The manual system which is in place is inefficient and quite irregular in keeping records.
The hardware requirements are a high speed processor probably Intel dual core 3.6 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and 500 GB of Hard Disk space for storing the employee’s details and there leave data.
Operating system
Windows NT system or Linux operating system can be either used for running the application.
The existing network in the organization is good enough to take care of the networking requirements for the systems access and operation.
Application software
The software requirements for this type of system are architecturally neutral and platform independent (Hoffer, 2002). It should be built either on Java platform or any other platform independent software.
The system would be quite communicative in nature with respect to offering its services for tracking leave of the employees.
The system security is possible with the help of login credentials (username/ password) for every employee wishing to apply for leave.
The system is capable to house technology to support more employees and their usages in future.
It is available round the clock as it is launched both in the internet and intranet.
The system would be built using the six sigma quality approach and would be monitored on regular basis for its performance and its order in line with the requirements.
The system would be maintained by an expert group within the human resources department of the company to check its regulatory and timely demands.
Disaster recovery
All the data of the employees would be stored in parallel Oracle database servers so that it can be replicated in case of disaster. As it is launched in the internet, there are little chances for its breakdown.
Training and Documentation
The training requirements of the system are at the least. The usability of the system is kept at its height so that there is no problem with ones usage. The system help is present for guidance and support.
The document requirements are moderate. The system must be documented for its functionality and its usages. The rules of ones taking leave must be defined explicitly and the systems behavior to the leave taking constraints and disadvantages.
Installation issues
The installation would be in the internet database server and also in the company in-house database server. The application can be accessed through the internet using the browser, say internet explorer or mozilla. The installation overhead is moderate.
The cost factors are moderate and the company is interested in spending money for its establishment.
Administrative Information
Who may apply?
For this proposed system which belongs to the organization itself, they have decided to allot a team out of their own company employees to build the project. The human resources department (HRD) of the company applies for this project.
How to apply?
The HRD of the organization would request the higher management for the proposed system in the form of system request for change management.
The implementation and funding of the project must be limited to the company members only. It can be viewed by the employees of the company alone.
The HRD senior manager must be referenced for forwarding the request for the new system rollout.
How to get clarification?
Clarification can be obtained from the present employees who are facing the problem to record their leaves and are held responsible for the anomalies.
Proposal format
A mere letter for system request is quite encouraging for making the right move.
Submission schedule
It must be done at the earliest for the proposal to get accepted.
Decision schedule
The higher management would review it in a general session with the board of directors and senior managers for approval to this project. Once it is voted positive, it would be taken up.
Selection criteria
The exact nature of problem and its impact and damage to company policies is taken into account for selecting the project for implementation.
Hoffer A. Jeffery (2002). Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Pearson Education.