Statement of Goals and Objectives

Published 25 Nov 2016

Many students decide to go on to graduate school because they are pretty comfortable with the academic routine, and typically enjoy it. Sometimes students make the decision to go on because they are uncertain about what they really want to do in terms of a career, or because going to graduate school appears easier than getting a job. After all, everyone has heard how bad the job market is surely it makes more sense to keep going to school. Many students ponder a career in nursing but have a limited understanding of what it takes to reach their goals. To pursue a career in nursing, some of your planning should begin fairly early in your undergraduate studies and continues in graduate schools.

Deliberately putting myself in a situation that at first makes me uncomfortable is something I have done repeatedly in my life. Being scared makes me conscientious and prompts me to do a good job. In fact, I have discovered that the things I fear the most, the enterprises about which I have the most apprehension, inevitably turn out to be activities in which I excel. Medicine in general certainly represents this kind of challenge, and I would be less than candid if I did not concede that there have been moments in my premed years that I have found intimidating. However, I have also found great exhilaration in the learning process and in finding out that I was equal to any challenges that arose.

I am interested in serving the neonatal and infant populations. This is partly because their first interaction with the world occurs through the hospital, so care needs to be taken when addressing the needs of these children. You may add any other information that you think is necessary.

I actually interested in researching about premature babies and how that increases their risk for developing the developmental problem in later childhood. Additionally, I am interested in researching about AIDS and the higher risk of contracting AIDS by people who engage in substance abuse.

My interest in becoming a Nurse extends back to my childhood, although I also considered such possibilities as becoming a businessman, architect, or pilot. I have always wanted to help people; it’s a natural tendency for me to provide care to those in need as I to my ability. And as a result, I realized that healthcare seems to be the most direct way to deliver care to patients who are in need of help. Nursing particularly provides direct patient contact and patient care and nurses can be good liaisons between the other health care providers and the patients. How great to do something with such benefits for others and such intrinsic reward for oneself!

Clinical Nurse Leader requires leadership skills in order to be right for the job. I have partaken in various extracurricular activities that require leadership and organizational skills. I have organized and participated in various volunteer works in Nigeria (including the Nigerian Red Cross) to promote the AIDS awareness in the country as well as provide first aid to less opportune people there. I have also done one year of research in Psychology regarding domestic violence between couples. This has given me the opportunity to be a leader and educator among my fellow students while also acquiring a little additional insight into the kinds of problems that a health professional confronts. As a volunteer, I have been able to observe a great diversity of life and the difficult conditions under which nurses often must function. I have come away from this experience with a better understanding of the sacred nature of the medical profession and the importance of the nurse’s work. I have seen the need for both kindness and strength in nurses, and I have been impressed by the variety of skills that a successful nurse must bring to play in his or her professional role.

Today’s nurse anesthetists need advanced theoretical knowledge and extensive clinical experience to meet the critical demands of their profession. The university of Maryland at Baltimore school of Nursing graduate program in health sciences offers an integrated approach to nurse anesthesia education: a valuable blend of theoretical classroom learning and clinical practice and research that’s geared to a complex and rapidly changing field. I have chosen the University of Maryland at Baltimore school of Nursing to fulfill my dream to serve people at my best because the school provides advanced learning to students for a better future and to be able to serve the society. The reason for enrolling in the university as an MSN for the Clinical Nurse Leader program is that upon graduating I wish to work in the intensive care unit, particularly the neonatal intensive care as that is the population I wish to serve. And eventually, plan to go back to school to become a Nurse Anesthesiologist.

I plan to use my time effectively and wisely, devote the necessary amount of hours per day to focus on my studies, engage in study groups, and take advantage of any supplemental information, and get frequent feedback from my professors and instructors and ask the question when necessary.

A final motivator for many people in going to graduate school has to do with gaining personal satisfaction. Many of us see ourselves as “life-long students,” and are never happier than when we are in a setting that allows us to exercise our intellect and academic abilities. Generally, people who derive pleasure and satisfaction from academic pursuits, and who have a clear sense of their career goals and how graduate education meshes with those goals, are more likely to enjoy and be successful at their graduate studies. This graduate study will help me attain certain knowledge that will be helpful for me to do what I love to do and most especially for the benefits of the people who need assistance from others who have expertise. If I would be given the chance to acquire knowledge from this prestigious school it will be a greater component in establishing my chosen path.


  1. Couch, J. V., & Benedict, J. O. (1983). Graduate school admission variables: An analysis of 180-81 students. Teaching of Psychology, 10, 3-6.
  2. Scheirer, C. J. (1983). Professional schools: Information for students and advisors. Teaching of Psychology, 10, 11-15.
  3. Green, H. & Minton, R. (1989). Beyond the Ivy Wall: 10 Essential Steps to Graduate School Admission. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company.
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