A Deadly Betrayal That Wounded Me

Lethal Betrayal
My heart jumped, yes it skipped a bit at his sight, the prince…yes my second soul owner.
The charm! The flower of my town! The cocaine and meth my heart thought would be!
I flipped through pages, and lastly thought I had seen his true version which I liked,
In my world, I saw you drifting to sleep, waking at midnight… and I was there to kiss your lips and whisper “go back to sleep” holding you tight and smiling because you are all I ever wanted in my love.
To me you controlled time, it never rushed when I had you in my mind.
Driver of my world and the captain of my ship you were, until I realized it was sinking!
My precious heart, was hard to be traded for a million souls, but you stole it by just a smile and became yours for free until lately.
We shared all, my soul always wanted to fly away when your presence called it sweetly.
My soul wanted to take off when you whispered all the sweet things to my ears, because I knew it was mutual feeling.
There it came! Withdrawal started, a gap grew suddenly, and you took a new version of yourself!
I saw you with a new sunshine, though not shiny as my sun’s brightness.
Till today, I still ask myself why it happened, why to us.
Our love, our compatibility, we were one thing, what transpired? My nights have turned to nightmares.
My prince charming is no longer here with me, a sad situation I never expected, because I thought we loved mutually.
I will shout to the world, so that everybody will know of what I feel for you, because despite all this I still love you!
Tell me where I went wrong my love, for as far as I thought, you loved me
What a twist! Flashback all we shared, and take me out of this depression for I love you!
As the stars shine up in the sky, I ache to hold and share with you all over again.
I love you and deep inside me you are still mine.
Do not leave me, and do not forget what we have shared in the past.
All I thought and still think is that we are meant for each other.
If not love, what did I see in your eyes? I thought all these while we were inseparable.
Consider this my love, for I still believe in us.

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