Astronomy, Planets, Solar System

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Q1 (page155-7)-According to the Nice theory, where did the Kuiper belt objects and Oort cloud objects come from?
The suggestion given by the Nice theory explains that when the planets moved outward and into their current orbits, they did clear the space around themselves by sending remaining icy material farther out into the solar system. The nearest reservoir of this icy material became the Kuiper belt while the Material that was sent even farther beyond the kuiper belt became the Oort Cloud.

Q2 (page155-9)-Jeans instability is responsible for what event in the life of the solar system?
Jeans instability refers to the state under which the gravitational force of an object is stronger than its internal pressure. This event was responsible for the initial contraction of the solar nebula that resulted to the creation of the solar system.

Q3 (page187-4)-Why does Earth’s surface not riddled with craters as isthat of the Moon?
At one time, the surface of the earth was probably filled with craters as those in the surface of the moon. The earth’s volcanic activities and plate tectonics along with wind and water erosion, have cleared all but the most recent craters. Furthermore, most small pieces of remains falling towards the earth today vaporize in the earth’s relatively dense atmosphere before they hit the surface of the Earth and cause new craters.

Q4(page187-10)-Describe the interior structure of Earth.
The Earths’ interior structure consists of a solid inner core and an outer core which is in liquid form, both of them are made of nickel, iron and other heavy metals. Both of the cores are surrounded by a hot mantle which is almost molten and it is made up of a dense rock. A Lower density rock known as the crust floats on top of the mantle.

Q5(page187-23)-Why do most scientists support the collision-ejection theory for the Moon’s formation?
The collision-ejection ejection theory is supported by most of the scientists since this theory successfully accounts for the composition of the moon(low in water and metal content) as well as the orbital motion.

Q6(page228-10)-Astronomers often refer to Venus as Earth’s twin.What physical properties do the two planets have in common? In what ways are the two planets dissimilar?
Venus and Earth have mass that is similar as well as their size, and composition. Venus is 28 percent close to the Sun than the Earth. This difference is relatively small a factor that prevents water from condensing on the surface of Venus. The atmospheric pressure is very vast in composition different slight atmospheric composition, atmospheric pressure, surface temperature, and rates of rotation.

Q7(page228-15)-Why is Mars red?
Mars is red since the material that composes of its surface is made up of iron-rich minerals that are reddish-brown in color.

Q8(page228-23)-What evidence have astronomers accumulated thatliquid water once existed in large quantities on Mars’ssurface? What evidence is there that water still existsunder its surface?
(Answer8) Many signs that include massive mud flows, riverbeds, erosion caused by water, ancient and shorelines are all signs that show there was liquid water in the past. Features on some cliff walls, including some that have appeared since we began observing, appear to be caused by the flow of water escaping from underground. Many astronomers believe that these features are due to water because they appear the same as the features on Earth that are known to have been created as a result of water flow.

Q9(page270-3)-Which is the least massive planet in the solar system?
a. Mercury
d. Jupiter
b. Mars
c. Uranus
(a) Mercury is the least massive planet. Before definitions of objects in the solar system changed, Pluto was said to be the least massive planet.
Q10(page270-9)-What is liquid metallic hydrogen? Which planets contain this substance? What produces this form of hydrogen?
It is a state of matter for hydrogen in which hydrogen becomes a good conductor of electricity. Jupiter and Saturn contain the liquid metallic hydrogen. The immense pressure and high temperatures of the interiors of the planets produce hydrogen in this form.

Q11(page307-4)-Which part of a comet is solid?
a. Nucleus
b. Halo
c. Gas tail
d. Dust tail
e. Coma
(a) Nucleus

Q12(page307-15)-What are the Trojan asteroids, and where are they located?
The Trojan asteroids are the asteroids trapped by the competing pull of gravity between Jupiter and the Sun and are located at two of Jupiter’s Lagrange points. These Lagrange points are along Jupiter’s orbit 60 degrees ahead of and 60 degrees behind Jupiter. Similar Trojan asteroids are found in the orbits of Neptune and mars.

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