Essays on Astronomy

10 essay samples on this topic
  • Essay examples

Extrasolar Planets That Orbit a Star

Surname 2 Name Professor Course Date Astronomy Question 1 An extrasolar planet is a certain kind of the planet that revolves around a star. This kind of the planet is part of the solar system because it takes part in orbiting another star. Extrasolar planet is also known as the exoplanet. There are discoveries that have been made about these extrasolar planets and they include; 51 Pegasi b exoplanet. The scientists gave a confirmation that 51 Pegasi b was the first planet orbiting the star that looked like the sun....
Pages 3 (722 words)

Stars Dying, Type I, Type II Supernovae

Running head: STARS DYING, TYPE I, TYPE II SUPERNOVAE STARS DYING, TYPE I, TYPE II SUPERNOVAE 4 Stars Dying, Type I, Type II Supernovae Name: Professor: Institution: Course: Date: Question 1 Various steps follow the demise of stars of low stellar mass, medium stellar as well as those that are very massive. First, for the low mass star, the helium fusion leads to the formation of carbon core. The carbon core collapses but at a low temperature not enough to allow fusion of carbon. The outer region of the shell...
Pages 3 (689 words)

“Panorama of Everest” Received From Mars

Surname: 1 Name Course Tutor Date Everest Panorama from Mars The robotic rover, Spirit, which strolled around Mars between the years 2004 and 2009 went up to a hill in 2005 and took a succession of digital pictures (Ulivi & Harland, 423). These photos were taken for three days, and they were combined with digital techniques such that scientists came up with a 360-degree panorama. The rover was under instructions to take the picture with the same resolution as that of human eyesight, 20-20 eyesight. With this resolution, it makes...
Pages 4 (975 words)

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Galaxy, Planets, Globular Clusters

Running head: GALAXY GALAXY 3 Galaxy Name: Professor: Institution: Course: Date: 1. Describe how Harlow Shapley determined that the sun was not at the Center of our galaxy. Harlow Shapley held that everything in the universe was within the galaxy. The galaxy was large with a length of 300,000 light years in diameter. Furthermore, the spiral nebulae were a cloud of gas located within the Milky Way. The argument was based on the size of Milky Way when observing the globular star clusters. Shapley had determined the distance to one...
Pages 3 (691 words)

Astronomy, Planets, Solar System

Surname 4 Name Professor Course Date Q1 (page155-7)-According to the Nice theory, where did the Kuiper belt objects and Oort cloud objects come from? (Answer1) The suggestion given by the Nice theory explains that when the planets moved outward and into their current orbits, they did clear the space around themselves by sending remaining icy material farther out into the solar system. The nearest reservoir of this icy material became the Kuiper belt while the Material that was sent even farther beyond the kuiper belt became the Oort Cloud. Q2...
Pages 3 (807 words)

Questions and Answers to Them in Astronomy

why does the tilt of Earth's axis relative to its orbit cause the seasons as Earth revolves around the Sun? 13. Why does the tilt of Earth's axis relative to its orbit cause the seasons as Earth revolves around the Sun? Answer: This is because some parts seem to be close to the sun in comparison with others. 21. What is the line of nodes, and how is it related to solar and lunar eclipses? Answer: The orbit of the moon is tilted about five degrees from the plane of...
Pages 3 (776 words)

Astronomy Outline: The Bing Bang Theory

Running head: ASTRONOMY OUTLINE: THE BING BANG THEORY ASTRONOMY OUTLINE: THE BING BANG THEORY 2 Astronomy Outline: The Bing Bang theory Name: Professor: Institution: Course: Date: The Bing Bang theory is an emerging issue in the astronomic field. It is the study of the formation of the universe. The Theory shows the process of formation from the hot, dense initial condition at its current state. The universe is continuously expanding, and the scientists need to make detailed predictions of the denser past. The Bing Bang theory agrees precisely with astronomical...
Pages 2 (388 words)

Scientific Observation Project Report

Running Head: SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION PROJECT REPORT 1 SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION PROJECT REPORT 6 SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION PROJECT REPORT Name Professor Institution Course Date Scientific Observation Project Report A Description If we could estimate all the stars we observe in the sky, it’s difficult to assess physically. Some students may think we can observe millions of stars with the unaided eye. However, under ideal conditions, one can observe almost 3,000 stars with the unaided eye. For that case, this article aims to articulate and closely demonstrate the total number of stars visible to...
Pages 4 (1056 words)

Kepler’s Laws and Why the Moon Doesn’t Fall to Earth

Explain Kepler?s three laws of planetary motion in terms that a 10-year-old would understand. 2) Write a paragraph explaining why the Moon doesn?t fall to the Earth even though the Earth?s gravity is constantly pulling on. Answer both questions on the same page. NO DOUBLE SPACE. Its due in 1hr 30 min 1. Keplers Three laws of Planetary Motion The law of Ellipses It is Keplers first law and explains that planets are continuously orbiting around the sun in a path that can be described as ellipse (Physics Classroom, 2016)....
Pages 2 (451 words)

Galaxy, Solar System and Cosmos

Running Head: Galaxy, Solar System and Cosmos 1 Running Head: Galaxy, Solar System and Cosmos 2 Galaxy, Solar System and Cosmos Name Institution Professor Course Date Introduction Epistemology refers to the philosophical branch of studies that deals with knowledge. This branch seeks to provide an answer to the basic question on what distinguishes true knowledge from false knowledge (Christian & McNeill, 2011).  By looking the history of epistemology, one is able to discern the clear trend in the spite of the confounding and seemingly contradictory opinions. On the contrary, a...
Pages 6 (1512 words)