Kepler’s Laws and Why the Moon Doesn’t Fall to Earth

Explain Kepler?s three laws of planetary motion in terms that a 10-year-old would understand. 2) Write a paragraph explaining why the Moon doesn?t fall to the Earth even though the Earth?s gravity is constantly pulling on. Answer both questions on the same page. NO DOUBLE SPACE. Its due in 1hr 30 min
1. Keplers Three laws of Planetary Motion
The law of Ellipses
It is Keplers first law and explains that planets are continuously orbiting around the sun in a path that can be described as ellipse (Physics Classroom, 2016). An ellipse refers to a unique curve in which the distance from every point to other two points is constant. The two points are denoted as foci of the ellipse. If the two points are closer, then the ellipse will be circular in shape meaning that the two foci will be in the same. Therefore, all planets orbit around the sun in a manner that resembles ellipse (Physics Classroom, 2016).
The law of Equal Areas
The law entails the speed at which a planet will move while orbiting around the sun. The speed is regularly changing in that a plane will move faster when closer to the sun and slower when far from the sun (Physics Classroom, 2016). When an imaginary line is drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet, the area covered by the line in a given period of time will be the same. Areas formed when the earth is far from the plane can be depicted by a narrow long triangle whereas the areas formed when the earth is closer to the sun are depicted short triangle in the imaginary lines drawn (Physics Classroom, 2016).
The Law of Harmonies
It compares the radius of orbit of the earth to other planets. It concentrates on motion characteristics of different planets by maintaining that the ratio of the squares of the periods to the cubes of average distance from the sun is the same in all planets (Physics Classroom, 2016).
2. The moon does not fall to the earth because it orbits around the sun the same way the earth does and the frequencies of the orbit are determined by the gravity strength as well as the laws of motion by Newton (Stack Exchange, 2016). As one circulates a rock using a string in a circle it is usually pulled towards that individual by the force on the string which applies to the earth pull of gravity on moon (Stack Exchange, 2016).

Classroom, P. (2016). Kepler’s Three Laws. Retrieved from
Exchange, S. (2016). newtonian gravity – Why doesn’t the Moon fall upon Earth? – Physics Stack Exchange. Retrieved from

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