Future Mobile Phone Technology


Future Mobile Phone Technology.
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Future Mobile Phone Technology
No phone seems greater than the one that is yet to exist. The more people are attached to their smartphones; due to both hardware and software capabilities, they still feel a need for further inventions. That is the point where designers step in to showcase their best. They offer fantasy version of the people’s wishes. Concept phones have dominated exhibitions. The designers showcase what manufacturers are yet to imagine.
According to Leggett (2015), future smartphones will be able to provide screens large enough to watch favourite movies and play favourite games. On the other hand, they will still maintain a pocketable size. Some will have a paper-thin screen which will allow them to project from both sides. The devices will be able to show pictures and videos from one side while the user controls from the other side.
Leggett (2015) further clarifies that some of the devices have already been tested in the market. These are the ones with slight bends. The manufacturers of Samsung showed off the flexy Galaxy Round smartphone that subsequently never did well in the market. However, the IOP (n. d.) suggests that in the coming years, we may see smartphones that will change shape to suit the needs of the user and roll up to fit into their pocket. There would be no need for tablet and decisions on what screen size to select will be of the past. It shows that mobile makers will be keen on flexibility as a key factor.
With today’s smartphone, batteries last a little longer than a sprint race. However, in the future devices could run for years without requiring a charge. IOP (n. d.) elaborates the idea of piezoelectricity. It translates movement and a little pressure exerted- as little as tapping the fingers on the screen- into energy. Users will even walk and charge. Seemingly, charging the future phones is something no user will have to sweat about.
A better example of what a future phone would look like as portrayed by Leggett (2015) is a Nokia Morph. The Morph incorporates nanotechnology to come up with a flexible and malleable device. The Morph is based on woven fibril proteins that allow the entire phone- including the screen -to bend. It was designed by Tapani Tyhanen. The Morph strongly supports the notion that future phones will be dominated by transparency and transformability. In simple terms, they will be bendy and will be able to take multiple shapes and forms.
On a different note, a phone made of transparent glass would feel fragile. A bigger problem accompanying devices that would be made of glass is that glass tends to be slippery when handling. The designers should, therefore, come up with ways of changing its texture and even possibly enable it to bend. Sprinkling particles of micro rubber on top of the glass may partly be a solution.
With so many capabilities incorporated into future phones, there will emerge the case of total dependence on phones by the user. Everyone wants to see what lies ahead to be offered by the smartphone industry and how the consumers will react to these products. The new and better smartphones will come along with multitude issues, but are yet to be experienced. They will resemble a de facto tool for living, socializing, business, and entertainment.

Institute of Physics, (n. d.). Future Mobile Phone Technology. Retrieved from http://www.physics.org/article-questions.asp?id=83
Leggett, J., (2015). Future Phones – What To Expect from Future Mobile Phones. Retrieved from: https://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/guides/future-of-mobile-phones/

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