How to Grow a Forest in Your Backyard?

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“How to grow a forest in your backyard.”
Global climate change falls among the list of top global issues that need urgent human intervention. The dire consequences associated with global climate change can be easily mitigated by the acceptance of individual responsibility to plant trees. This requires a shift in perspective on who is responsible for planting and taking care of the environment. Shubhendu Sharma, a renowned Industrial Engineer with an afforestation vision, delivers a speech in the best possible manner to convince people to plant and maintain forests in the backyards. He provides straightforward directions on how to create backyard forests to enhance biodiversity for easy understanding by the audience. Additionally, he manages to change the perception of the public regarding forestation.
Through his presentation, Sharma strengthens his course of spending an abundant amount of time in researching and increasing the number of human-made forests in urban areas. To start with, Sharma is passionate about the creation of forests. His excitement about planting trees makes it easy for him to connect with the audience who identify with him on the need for action against climate change. Using an example from his backyard, he simplifies the process of planting forests in urban centers. Additionally, The excellent use of eye contact with the audience helps him connect with the public thus adding spice to the performance. Such communication conveys a particular attitude of his love for trees. This, in turn, encourages the audience to shift their attitudes about forests existing in isolated areas but rather see them as an integral part of the urban life.
Sharma offers step-by-step instructions for the audience and everyone who wants to grow a native forest in any part of the world. He simplifies these steps for easy grasping and makes them practical. The first step involves checking the soil quality to ensure that it meets the necessary properties for a forest. He provides bio-friendly techniques to enhance soil nutrition and moisture contents through the introduction of microorganisms. The second step involves surveying the native tree species and dividing them into four different layers: shrub, sub-tree, tree layer and canopy layer. The final step involves planting the trees in the best ratios and watering the forest until it can sustain its moisture and nutrient requirements.
Sharma is also factual in his speech of growing a forest in the backyard. He provides a strong and well-developed support for his course through the various explanations and examples he uses. Therefore, he manages to expand the reasoning of the audience by making them see the solid point of planting trees in the backyard rather than in the big isolated forests. This helps to promote individual responsibility which collectively cumulates to a profound impact in advancing the preservation of nature. At the end of the presentation, the audience can take the tree planting burden upon themselves and institute individual measures to increase the forest cover. This promotes the acquisition of green virtues that favor the environment.
In conclusion, the destruction of forest cover by urbanization efforts has had a negative impact not only on humanity but also the 85 million species on the planet. Sharma’s presentation provides an excellent alternative to helping bring forests back to our urban areas through the engineering of soils, microbes, and biomass to kick-start a natural growth process. He communicates an important message for people to change to change their beliefs and attitudes on forests. Following his presentation, individuals should only see forests as isolated areas where animals live but rather incorporate them into their surroundings for improved biodiversity and climate.

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