Insights From “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams

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Insights from “A streetcar named desire” by Tennessee Williams
Compare and contrast Mitch and Stanley with respect to what appear to be their attitudes toward desire and the opposite sex.
Stanley and Mitch have expressed desire in different on marriage and love. However, there are notable difference in character and attitude towards the opposite sex. Mitch is caring, loving and gentle towards women whereas Stanley is violent and perceives the traditional lifestyle where he sees himself as the head. For instance, Stanley is mindful of situations and decisions that are of high interest to himself. Due to his love for Stella, he begs her to return to their house after she had moved to Stephen’s house. Besides, affirms his superiority as the head of his house by stating that he is the king. Besides, he is only happy when he wins. Nevertheless, Stanley lashes out at anyone or anything that gets in his way. He uses force and rage to get whatever he wants. “Loudly, there is no discussion or arbitration” he exerts force on various levels to suit his interests. He is also resentful of Blanche’s decision to move into his house and does not hide his negative opinions of her. In addition, his forceful nature is portrayed when he upends Blanche’s bag to access Belle Reve documents, throwing plates on the floor, beating up Stella, raping Blanche, and forcefully informing Stella what he had discovered about her sister. Besides Blanche describes Stanley as an animal. She states that Stanley’s body and mind are animalistic. She says that Stanley roars, uses his fists and is so protective of his territory.
On the other hand, Mitch portrays an opposite character to Stanley’s. Mitch has been suffering and cannot hide his desire to find love at all costs and at slightest of opportunities especially after a divorce in his early marriage. However, opposed to Stanley, he is loving and tolerant, kind and decent, which he shows towards Blanche. Mitch is seen as mama’s boy. His friends say that he has a gentleman’s behavior. He sheds tears when Stanley mistreats Blanche. He seems to be the only person that understands the tragedy that Blanche has experienced in her life. Moreover, is not violent when Stanley informs him about his discoveries in Blanche’s documents. He loves his grandmother and is so determined to marry so that his ailing mother gets that chance to meet his wife before she dies.
How do they differ in their words and behavior with respect to their “love interests??
Desire for love and women is well depicted in the Streetcar. Mitch and Stanley have expressed desire in various situations to bring out their different attributes and personal characters. Stanley clearly portrays desire when he tells Stella that,
“You know what luck is? Luck is believing you’re lucky. Take Salerno. I believed I was lucky. I figured that 4 out of 5 would not come through but I wouldn’t and I did”
Besides, before his run in with Blanche, the author notes that Stanley’s attitude and movements are centered at pleasing women.
“Animal joy in his being is implicit in all his movements and attitude. Since earliest manhood the centre of his life has been pleasure with women, the giving and taking of it, he sizes women up at a glance, with sexual classifications, crude images flashing into his mind and determining the way he smiles at them”
Nevertheless, his desire is observed when after hitting Stella, screams and shouts, begging her to come back. It is interesting that Stella is not put off by her husband’s desire.
“What you are talking about is brutal desire just – Desire”
Mitch is also haunted by desire on various occasions. He has been living with his dying mother, which he puts out that she is only remaining with only a few months to live. Nevertheless, he has kept a cigarette case that he was given by a girlfriend that has since passed on. He is willing to do everything to please Blanche. He is willing to share with Blanche the quote on the case.
“And if God choose, I shall but love thee better after-death”
“You need somebody. And I need somebody too. Could it be you and me, Blanche?”
Arguably, we cannot say in the case of Mitch that nice guys finish last. Consider this when writing your conclusion.
Despite that fact that Mitch tries in every way to fulfill his desire for love and getting married, he ends up being heartbroken on multiple occasions. Besides, the tragedy of the possible loss of his mother was awaits him. He affirms that his mother’s condition is worse while at the same time he wants to please by witnessing his anticipated marriage to Blanche that never turns fruitful. Beside, when he meets Blanche, they are attracted to each other and get into a relationship. However, Blanche later indicates that Mitch is clumsy and not intelligent as the type of man that she desires to marry. Lastly, when Mitch wife dies, he meets another woman with whom they fall in love. Mitch is in love to the extent that he keeps a cigarette case that the woman gave him. He misses the chance to marry her after the woman dies. In conclusion, mitch has been able to experience love because of his tolerance, loving and kind nature. He was able to fall in love with Blanche and the woman that left him a cigarette case because of his good image. Besides, his friends find him a gentleman because of his good behavior.

Works Cited
Tennessee Williams. A Streetcar Named Desire. Penguin Group, 1951.Print

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