Management Analysis for Small Businesses

Effective management analysis that satisfies the legal requirements for a relatively small business is usually a challenge to draft. For majority of small businesses like Irvin Industries the management analysis is the most central document that gives insights about the business to potential investors and the outside world.
Wrongful dismissal like in the case of Lynette Hines is sometimes referred to as wrongful termination or wrongful discharge. It is a legal phrase whereby an employee’s contract of employment is terminated by the employer and in doing so the employer breaks one or two terms of the contract of employment or similarly a statute in the employment law.
Religious discrimination entails treating people in an unpleasant manner due to the religious affiliations.Title VII of the civil rights Act of 1964 forbids any employer from discriminating their employees due to their religion or lack of it .Hence it is illegal to have discriminatory clauses in employments contracts like the one Jane signed with Irvin industries at the beginning of her employment. The law also prohibits job isolation on the basis of religion for instance assigning an employee to a non customer contact position because of the previous harsh interactions by a particular client (Zenger, 2010).
Similarly the Act states that employers should reasonably consider and respect the religious beliefs and practices of employees and job applicants. A reasonable religious respect is any alteration to the work environment that creates a conducive atmosphere to work. Flexible scheduling, consensual work shift patterns, transfers, job swaps and exceptions to in house grooming rules and regulations are an example of accommodative work environment.
If the above considerations were keenly considered by Irvin industries Jane would still be an employee of the company as she seemed to be an essential part of the company’s production.

In a court of law Jane would have an upper hand against her employer for wrongful dismissal and hence she would easily win the case. This is to say that the company would lose in terms of time and money by pursuing the litigation brought about by Jane. Similarly this would be injurious to the reputation and image or Irvin industries to the outside world and also to potential investors.
Irvin Industries would very easily lose this case as they are seen to contravene the provisions of Title VII of the civil rights Act of 1964.This would also set a bad precedent to other employees of Irvin industries who might have similar concerns as to those of Jane hence create a sense of disarray in the company.
The bigger picture of this issue will not be even against Jane against Irvin industries. This might escalate towards Irvin industries and members of the seventh day Adventist church who might be using good and services from Irvin industries as they might chose not to use them. This might bring in loses in terms of monetary value and this is not a good thing for a small company like Irvin industries (Djupe & Olson, 2003).
The court ruling might state that Jane is reinstated to her previous employment and she be compensated for the income lost while she was not working.

Zenger, J. H. (2010). The complete new manager: Essential tips and techniques for managers. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Djupe, P. A., & Olson, L. R. (2003). Encyclopedia of American religion and politics. New York, NY: Facts On File.

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