Old Media & New Media

Running head: OLD & NEW MEDIA 1


Old media & new media

In our daily life, we normally depend on the power of the different forms of media forms to transfer information from one area to another. This has made the world become a very small area to live in as nothing happens and one wants to acquire details about it and they lack to do so. This transfer of information from one place to another mainly depends on two forms of media which are old media and the new media. This are forms which are distinct in the way they relay and convey their information to the rest of the world. This paper seeks to indicate the reasons for planning choice in terms of learning objectives, strategies, activities, resources, assessment methods and classroom management techniques to promote inclusion.
Objectives for learning
At the end of this lesson should be able to do the following tasks:
· Give a history concerning the old media and new media.
· Give a broad view on how the on changing technologies in our daily lives is affecting the old and new media.
· Understand and give the major perspectives concerning old and new media.
Teaching strategies
· Students working in groups are given group work task in researching the evolution of the media up to the time when media evolved, noting down how the internet was first meant to be used in the society and how now it has covered a wide area of usage. They also are required to indicate the applications and benefits to the field of education, the civic society, and in governance process (Balbi, G., pp.231-249, 2015). Their results findings should thereafter be presented for class discussion by each group making a contribution.
· Students will be expected to conduct research concerning the outcomes that have been seen in new media been used by various people everywhere to express themselves freely in case of anything which they want. They also will be required to note the major difference that appears to be there between this people expression and how they used to do it before its existence The student’s findings should then be presented to the entire class using the Microsoft PowerPoint.
· Students should also research on the ground to which the new media is becoming a challenge to the old one. having a notion of the different types of medias that can be found in their families as well as their entire community which there are coming from. (Gorton, K. pp.438-459, 2013). The research results can be handed over for a discussion and marking by the teacher.
Activities to be performed in the course of the lesson
· The students are expected to pay attention to every detail of the work and then write a report about the different types of information they have learned. Then, later they can present this report for clarification.
· The teacher will be interested in seeing that the students understand the different views about old and new media so it will be a requirement for every student to write a short essay to show their understanding.
· Discuss how the new media is impacting on the lives of students in their social and academic performance and the challenges that are there for improving the universal new media access (Jensen, K.B. p.342, 2013).
· Write an essay that is short that will indicate the differences between old and new media, giving an expounded view on the extent to which the differences can be real or artificial. Also, evaluate the issue of media verification.
· Discuss the major differences which exist when news is been presented to the other people so that they can be viewed between in old media and new media.
· Encyclopedias to make references and trace the historical background of the old and new medias. Students allowed looking at the media section and paraphrase then giving an outline of what they found fascinating.
· Video clips illustrating the different forms of the medias that we have that is the old and the new media (Robertson, A., p.194016, 2013). This will be projected and students allowed to view and say what they see by discussing with their neighbors.
· Magazines and newspapers to show different types of old media for better understanding and clarification.
Assessment methods
· Formative techniques will aid in monitoring the students learning during the teaching process. It is important to gather information and feedback about which were the challenging areas in the topic and then adjusting the topic if it is calling to do so.
· The minute paper which will help students in reflecting what they have been taught immediately, by just answering two or one question which are basic and straight to the topic. Usually, after the lesson has ended.
· In-class activities will aid the students to understand even better the topic of study. Involves grouping the students in small groups and letting them discuss the question you assign to each group. Walking around the class helping guiding all those have a challenge in particular areas (O’sullivan, J. p.233, 2013).
Classroom management techniques
· One of the most important aspects of management in the classroom is class rules. Stress on the rules and the consequences that accompany violation of any rule during the lesson. It ensures that there is order to the end and the class moves on smoothly without disturbances from the students.
· Another aspect of classroom management is the order of arrangement of the class. The order should be maintained and movements made as minimal as possible to manage on time wastage (Shapiro, S. pp.1151-1167, 2013). Any movement by students should have sought permission from the teacher.
· Students can freely ask any disturbing question within the topic of our study and clarification made either by the fellow student or by the teacher.
In conclusion, it is clear noting that the new media is the most widespread one and the most efficient in conducting information around the world. But this does not mean that the old media is not there, the old media is still in existence and as well useful but the media is a bit more expensive than the new media. The use of old media has as well been the result of the world becoming a compressed one by making a reach for the information to be easy to access. Additionally, different methods and techniques are used to monitor students in a media classroom and they include formative techniques which aids in monitoring the students learning during the teaching process and minute paper which helps students in reflecting what they have been taught immediately. Other classroom management techniques include class rules, the order of class management and opportunity for students to freely ask any disturbing question concerning the topic.

Shapiro, S. and Humphreys, L., 2013. Exploring old and new media: comparing military blogs to civil war letters. New Media & Society, 15(7), pp.1151-1167.
O’sullivan, J. and Heinonen, A., 2013. OLD VALUES, NEW MEDIA Journalism role perceptions in a changing world. The future of Newspapers, p.233.
Robertson, A., 2013. Connecting in crisis. “Old” and “New” media and the Arab spring. The international Journal of press/ politics, p.1940161
Jensen, K.B. ed., 2013. A handbook of media and communication research: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Routledge.
Balbi, G., 2015. Old and new media: theorizing their relationships in media historiography. Theorien des medienwandels, pp.231-249.
Gorton, K. and Garde-Hansen, J., 2013. From old media whore to new media troll: Madonna’s ageing body online, pp.438-459.

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