Roles and Responsibilities of a Coach



Roles and Responsibilities of a Coach

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Roles and Responsibilities of a Coach

A sports coach should enable athletes to achieve levels of performance not possible if left to own endeavor. The coach should fill various roles and accept responsibilities beyond teaching the basic skills of a game. He must also create the right conditions for learning in a bid to motivate athletes. Nonetheless, most athletes have high motivation, and therefore, the task is to maintain it and generate excitements and enthusiasm. As a result, the coach must also be a person of great moral to inspire athletes.


A coach should be an effective leader. He must establish goals and objectives depending on the season. Such goals should reflect the team’s philosophy and define the goals and develop a strategy to achieve them. For example, he can strive to enable players to demonstrate core competencies at all levels appropriate for their age and ability, and sportsmanship in practices and games. The coach must, therefore, plan on how to manage the athletes, equipment and ability (Vella, Oades & Crowe, 2011).

The coach has a role as a teacher since he has to instill the necessary skills to a game using proper sequences and progression. Having skills to a game does not mean one can teach though it is beneficial. The coach needs social skills other than knowledge of skills, strategies, and rules of a match (Vella, Oades & Crowe, 2011). Nonetheless, teaching using sequences and progressions enhances learning since it could be enjoyable both to the coach and team. The technique also helps to establish weakness among team members, since they do not have equal capabilities (North, 2007).

The coach serves as a role model for the team. He inspires and encourages the team to strive for greatness through the exploitation of their potential. Team members must respect him if they are to learn through his commitment (North, 2007). For example, during sessions, the players will listen and implement what he has to say. As a result, the coach must demonstrate high levels of ability, trust, and sportsmanship to influence personal growth for team members. He must follow the members through each critical stage of talent development to earn the trust (Vella, Oades & Crowe, 2011).

The coach should be the advisor to the team. The coach decides on their training conducted and suitable kit and equipment (Vella, Oades & Crowe, 2011). In perceiving their roles, the coach not only impose optimistic expectations but also disempower those they have to help. For example, a team may have low esteem; as a result, the coach must find suitable motivational factors such as a winning strategy to empower others. Consequently, a team may be overconfident, as a result, the coach must advise on the risk involved in such a situation (North, 2007).


The coach also has the responsibilities to deal with uncertainties or have control over different events to enhance team spirit and performance. First the coach has the duty of care. He must ensure that all reasonable steps are in place for the safety and health of team members. The responsibility also increases in specialist environments such as swimming since the coach has a greater level of knowledge or ability than team members. It is a legal commitment hence not something that the coach can choose to avoid even by a disclaimer (Gilbert & Trudel, 2004).

The coach has the responsibility of having both technical and tactical competence. As a result, the coach must take the initiative to develop such knowledge for the team to excel. For example, it is his responsibility to research on new best practices in the field; rules, and opportunities (Gilbert & Trudel, 2001). Additionally, he must be fit to performance the job. Most institutions require the coach to declare his medical condition that may impair performance for the overall safety of others (Gilbert & Trudel, 2004).

The coach has the responsibility to a code of conduct. It provides that the coach must demonstrate a behavior to keep involved parties safe. It provides information to participants about the standards, values, and commitments (Vella, Oades & Crowe, 2011). As a result, though not binding, the coach should develop trust with the employer among other stakeholders. However, most institutions have both a moral and legal obligation to ensure a coach provides the highest standards of care to children. Finally, the coach has a responsibility to provide equal opportunity to interested parties in joining a team and at all levels (Bolton & Smith, 2008).

In conclusion, coaches must create relationships based on respect and trust. As a result, they must understand their roles and responsibilities. In a conversation with when it is appropriate for a coach to provide skills, experienced ones provide insight through their experience. Effective coaching, therefore, requires leadership, ethics, and competencies. However, such roles may not be inadequate if a team is to excel. For example, the coach has to provide equal opportunities for interested parties in developing talent. Nonetheless, he must develop initiatives to acquire knowledge and best practices for his team to be competitive.
Bolton, N., & Smith, B. (2008). Sports development for coaches. An introduction to sports coaching: From science and theory to practice, 73-84.
Gilbert, W. D., & Trudel, P. (2001). Learning to coach through experience: Reflection in model youth sport coaches. Journal of teaching in physical education, 21(1), 16-34.
Gilbert, W. D., & Trudel, P. (2004). Role of the coach: How model youth team sport coaches frame their roles. Sport psychologist, 18(1), 21-43.
North, J. (2007). Increasing Participation in Sport: The Role of the Coach. Sports Coach UK, Leeds. Retrieved from
Vella, S., Oades, L. G. & Crowe, T. P. (2011). The role of the coach in facilitating positive youth development: Moving from theory to practice. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23 (1), 33-48.

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