Showing Off In Class Treatment Plan Oppositional Defiant Disorder




Showing Off In Class Treatment Plan

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Diagnosis (Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

Featuring the “Showing off’ case study, the diagnosis that I would construct would be the Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). According to American Psychiatric Association (2013), this disease is common with children or adolescents and is characterized by disruptive behaviors of other children around them as well as being stubborn to those in authority. As evidenced in Billy’s case, he was rebellious to his teachers and did not want to attend school because his teachers told him that he was being disruptive. Children who suffer from oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) have other symptoms such as angry outbursts, spitefulness, hostility and negative response in obeying. My choice for this disease was led by the fact that Billy’s behavior matched the symptoms of this disorder since after the teachers pointed out his disruptive behavior he became angry to the extent of refusing to attend school.

The disorder I would rule out

The illness that I would rule out from Billy’s case is the disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) due to his troublesome conduct in school and at home. The reason why I would group Billy’s case under disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) is because of his behavior in school and how he reacts to the teacher’s attempt to correct him which triggered him to ignore schooling. The fact that his parents could not convince him to attend school and instead opted to visit a specialist regarding his reactions shows that he was rebellious. Adolescents experience hostile behaviors at times, but those with this disorder have consistent patterns of aggressive and stubborn behaviors. This is the main reason why Billy’s behavior of showing off has become an issue to the extent of being disruptive in class.
The therapeutic plan

The therapeutic approach that I would employ to treat such a disorder is the behavioral therapy whereby the specialist directs the treatment to the specific symptoms. The process has been deemed as fast especially in relieving children distress. Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior (2011) assert that the best way to deal with such a child is through finding the real cause of the problem or rather where the anger is emanating from and then trigger the therapy towards it. Giving children time to explain themselves is a good step to take in this treatment as it gets clear how they wish to be treated and understood too.

How the approach would reflect in the plan

In Billy’s case, his behavioral problem is showing off and being disruptive in class, and the specialist helped his parents to understand and differentiate between the appropriate behavior in their son and instructed to ignore him when he starts showing the inappropriate behavior (Butcher et al., 2013). His teachers too were directed to do the same and show little interest when he shows off. At the same time, they were asked to encourage and appreciate every small positive change they noted in him. The behavioral therapy applied to Billy will help to eliminate the bad behavioral traits in him and reinforce the healthy habits through encouraging him and showing interest in him whenever he behaves well. The results were excellent after a short duration of time and the disorder was rectified. After Billy realizes that he can get attention from doing what is right, he is likely to decline his bad behavioral traits and stick to the right ways. Behavior therapy works well with rectifying this disorder.

American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. ?Section II, “Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders.”

Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. (2013). Abnormal psychology (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ?Chapter 16, “Therapy.”

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior Video. (2011). Wiley. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volume II. Retrieved from

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