The Effects of Television Advertising on Children

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Impacts of television on American culture
Annotated bibliography
Adler, Richard. The Effects of Television Advertising on Children: Review and Recommendations. Lexington, Mass: Lexington Books, 1980. Print.
Adler, Richard in his work explores the general effects of using television as a major source of viewing advertisements in the United States. He does this by conducting reviews on previous researches conducted by previous researchers. He finally comes up with a plan on how to work on these effects in order to prevent stop them from effecting further. Adler argues that TV watching amongst children who are still undergoing development affects their brains a lot. It is through certain TV programs where sexual contents as well as violent programs are developing. Since the minds of little children are developing, they will be great greatly influenced making such contents part of their thinking. The author finally concludes by recommending that parents should ensure that children should be regulated in terms of the programs they watch.
Bushman, Brad J., and L. Rowell Huesmann. “Short-term and long-term effects of violent media on aggression in children and adults.” Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 160.4 (2006): 348-352.
Bushman, Brad J., and L. Rowell Huesmann conducted a meta- analysis study design in order to test whether the findings obtained from conducting accumulated studies on aggressive behavior and media violence are consistent with the evolved theories trying to give an explanation to the effects. Tests were done for the existence of long-term as well as short-term impacts brought about by aggressive behavior. A theory-driven hypotheses was tested that short-term effects are supposed to greater in the case of adults while in the case of children long-term effects are supposed to be greater. In this study, children below the age of 18 years and adults were taken into consideration. The results collected revealed that there were significant impacts for being exposed to media violence on aggressive thoughts, aggressive behavior, and levels of arousal, helping behavior and angry feelings. The results obtained were consistent with the theory-driven hypotheses. Short-term effects mostly are as a result of priming of existing beliefs, well-encoded scripts.
Christakis, Dimitri A. “The Hidden And Potent Effects Of Television Advertising”. JAMA 295.14 (2006): 1698. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
The authors in this piece of work major on the negative effects resulting from continued viewing of television. In this article, a lot of emphasis is on those youths as they are the ones undergoing developments in their mind. According to the authors of this book children for instance are psychologically challenged a characteristic event in bullies. This is the case as they are considered to have less empathy. They argued that children who are used to viewing violent television programs react so violently. Since the brains of little children are developing merged with the fact that children hardly differentiate what is right and wrong, they end up copying what they see in television programs. The authors came to a conclusion that a certain act is good to the little children if it makes them happy. In addition, it is well established that children who have been used to the viewing of violent television programs have problems in solving conflicts with others and hence have hardships in living with their colleagues.
Collins, Rebecca L. “Media multitasking: Issues posed in measuring the effects of television sexual content exposure.” Communication methods and measures 2.1-2 (2008): 65-79.
This article places a lot of emphasis on the issue of sex and the effects it has brought towards the culture of America especially by affecting the ways in which people related with each other. Little children are the ones mostly affected by the viewing of sexual contents. As argued by Collins, teenagers in the United States spend approximately three hours each day watching television. The fare of typical teens comprises of very large doses of sexual materials, ranging from kissing, jokes, touching, portrayals of intercourse, and people having conversations on sexual issues. Often, sex is portrayed as an activity which is casual with no consequences or risks. They came to a conclusion that watching sexual content shows in television apparently results into hastening the initiation of sexual activity in the teenagers. Also, talks on sexual issues in TV programs has the same effects as the ones teens face in watching sexual contents.

Elasmar, Michael G., ed. The impact of international television: A paradigm shift. Routledge, 2014.
Cultural imperialism for several decades has been the key paradigm for predicting, labelling, explaining as well as conceptualizing the effects brought about by international television. In this work, Elasmar has come up with collection of original data from the top scholars working related to the area of media and technology. The author has then went a step ahead and tried to analyze the information collected in order to come up with a better summary of the findings on effects of television. This work was intended for researchers, scholars, and students in intercultural and international communication, mass communication, media and the society, cross-cultural communication, and some other related areas. Some of the positive identified impacts include delivery of information, distribution of educational information, and updates on football news. On the other side, television has also impacted negatively. This is in terms of a bullying culture, and also in terms of the codes of dressing.
Greenfield, Patricia M. Mind and media: The effects of television, video games, and computers. Psychology Press, 2014.
The author in this piece of working looks at the issue in question from a general view. He talks about the effects of television, computers and video games on the culture of the Americans. According to Greenfield, television viewing impacts the behavior of those watching at a large extent. Violence is one of the issue discussed in this source. This is influenced by both television and video games. Due to children’s tendency to imitate all that they see, they end up coping bad characters in these sources thus resulting into violence. Television in specific spreads sexual contents as well as information about codes of dressing. This as well impacts the behaviors of teenagers and the young adults.
Mittell, Jason. “Narrative complexity in contemporary American television.” The velvet light trap 58.1 (2006): 29-40.
This piece of writing comprises of an analysis of a film narrative. The authors did this in order to try understand the practices concerned with American Television. The authors in this article claim that complexity has taken over most of the television programs today. In addition, they claimed that there are even more complicated programs in television than the ones we are used to. Impacts of television range from one person to another. This one depends on the programs that a person is viewing. Mittell in this article puts up an argument that some of the programs aired today are beneficial. Some of the programs such as viewing of football matches have positively impacted the American culture. Whenever football matches are being aired, football fans especially the males meet in places in order to have discussions on football issues. In this way, togetherness is being promoted. It thus impact the culture in enhancing unity among people of a particular culture. In conclusion, Mittell states that the impact brought in by television depends on the way you make use of it.
Mittell, Jason. Television and American culture. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2010.
This book talks about the effects brought by television on the culture of people in the United States. It lays a lot of emphasis on the effects of television viewing on those who watch various sporting programs. As argued by Mittell in his piece of work, introduction of television has played a very great role in reforming the field of sports. It has greatly helped those who watch making them more informed as compared to those who attend physically attend the game. The book in addition presents a broad history of television while still giving some finer points of the various genres it has as well as the role it plays in gender formation and racial identity.
Oren, Tasha, and Sharon Shahaf, eds. Global television formats: Understandintelevision across borders. Routledge, 2013.
In this book, a lot of attention is directed to the effects brought in by the introduction of new technology. In addressing the issue, the authors have emphasized on the effects brought about by television, computers and video games on the culture of the Americans. On the issue of effects brought about by television, the authors have been more on the negative effects associated with this. One of the arguments claims that television have impacted American’s ways of living. This is in terms of the way they dress. As we all know, the minds of little children are growing. Whatever they see or taught while young plays a very vital role in impacting their lives. They will end up copying the dress codes they see other people using in TV programs. Some of them are not good and this ends up deteriorating their culture. TV programs has contributed in developing bullying character among little children. Some of the programs comprise of sections involving fights. As children grow, they will try to copy the behaviors they have seen in these programs. They culture is hence deteriorated though use of television.
Van Reijmersdal, Eva A., Peter C. Neijens, and Edith G. Smit. “Effects of television brand placement on brand image.” Psychology & Marketing 24.5 (2007): 403-420.
This comprises a study conducted in order to determine the effects associated with the placement of television brand on the image of the brand. Several studies were conducted on this issue. The results of the study showed that incorporation of a brand into a program’s editorial content had very significant effects on the image portrayed by the brand. As people got used to the viewing of many episodes, the image of the brand ended up coming into an agreement with the image of the program. The results obtained serve as a confirmation to the applicability of human associative and learning memory theories to the placement of a brand. Another very crucial finding is that brand image and brand memory have no relation. Hence, the image of a brand improved in terms of being positive regardless of the memories viewers had on the placement of the brand. This theoretical findings have a very great significance on the effects brought about by television programs on the culture of Americans.
Works cited
Adler, Richard. The Effects of Television Advertising on Children: Review and Recommendations. Lexington, Mass: Lexington Books, 1980. Print.
Bushman, Brad J., and L. Rowell Huesmann. “Short-term and long-term effects of violent media on aggression in children and adults.” Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 160.4 (2006): 348-352.
Christakis, Dimitri A. “The Hidden And Potent Effects Of Television Advertising”. JAMA 295.14 (2006): 1698. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.
Collins, Rebecca L. “Media multitasking: Issues posed in measuring the effects of television sexual content exposure.” Communication methods and measures 2.1-2 (2008): 65-79.
Elasmar, Michael G., ed. The impact of international television: A paradigm shift. Routledge, 2014.
Greenfield, Patricia M. Mind and media: The effects of television, video games, and computers. Psychology Press, 2014.
Mittell, Jason. “Narrative complexity in contemporary American television.” The velvet light trap 58.1 (2006): 29-40.
Mittell, Jason. Television and American culture. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Oren, Tasha, and Sharon Shahaf, eds. Global television formats: Understandintelevision across borders. Routledge, 2013.
Van Reijmersdal, Eva A., Peter C. Neijens, and Edith G. Smit. “Effects of television brand placement on brand image.” Psychology & Marketing 24.5 (2007): 403-420.

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