The Main Problems of Women in “Othello”

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Topic: Female criticism

Annotated Bibliography
Peters, Jeri. The Trouble With Gender in Othello: A Butlerian Reading of William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice. Diss. 2007.

This thesis sought to explain critically major issues affecting women from ancient time. Peters argues that power was defined regarding sexuality. Male species were superior while women are supposed to be submissive and inferior. Any form of deviant is met with severe consequence. For instance, going against the socially accepted norms can result to demise. Gender issues are approached from the cultural perspective where culture is used by men as a platform to oppress women. Decision making on critical matters such as the private life of women is made by men. The moment when Desdemona decides to marry without obtaining permission is seen as both social and sexual transgression. Traditional practices are used to justify women submissiveness to men without questioning.
Bradbrook, Muriel Clara. Themes and conventions of Elizabethan tragedy. Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press, 1980.
The author looks at different roles played by women in the society. According to Bradbook, women are assigned a variety of functions in which they are supposed to confine in. Furthermore, women are seen as objects or possessions. A woman is, therefore, a property of man since she is literary bought to satisfy a man sexually. The role of woman in marriage is to entertain a man, be royal and satisfy men. The author stresses that the women are submissive. In this research, women are believed to have the capacity to possess power and control their life. It is the responsibility of women to initiate change and take charge of their lives. Relenting to submissive rules formulated by men is their fault.

Work cited
Peters, Jeri. The Trouble With Gender in Othello: A Butlerian Reading of William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice. Diss. 2007.
Bradbrook, Muriel Clara. Themes and conventions of Elizabethan tragedy. Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press, 1980.

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