The Opportunity to Meet and Love Anyone

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I am really so sorry for you are in this situation. I think one should be able to date and love whoever he/she may want not limited to the background or skin color even without family tormenting them. There are two options that I would advise you to do: You can choose to be honest to your parents, or you can date him secretly. I would not suggest the second option since dating secretly can be emotionally exhausting and difficult. It may be hard to tell your family but finally after dating secretly, it would be better being honest to your parents than lying. You should not involve your guy when approaching your parents but do it alone as this will be your battle. If you approach them together, they may feel being ambushed. You should be calm and mature when explaining to your parents how you feel. Explain love and respect you have to them and you now have fallen for a Mexican guy. Explain to them his ethnicity and how he makes you happy and how important he is to you. Try to stress to them that you may not want to ruin or lose your relationship with them hence hope that they will go by your decision. Even though your parents may react angry way or irrational then it may require you to choose between your relationship and family. I think in this case, you should even go your way and date the guy.
Though their culture may be against lesbian, her decision is very important in this situation. Have a talk with her and try to make decision together and let her tell you whether she is willing to work towards openness. She should take time and be patient enough before she approaches her parents on this matter. She should also tell you how long she may be willing to keep the relationship secret. If her parents hate you, then is she able to help them to understand her decision and love you? I think parents should respect ones choices if one behaves in a mature manner. If she respects her parents I then think they should accept her decision. Advise her to be sincere and open. Let her parents know that they would continue relationships with her if they accept the parson she loves.
I am sorry that you go through this situation. But I think the main reason for being stared at is, though we have civil rights movement, the nation still encounters racial divisions though people assume they are not true. Remember that it does not matter whether others stares at you. I really understand that people starring are very irritating but also you need to remember that the love between you and your fiancé is what matters here. I think you will have to accept this fact that people will keep on staring you and need to compose yourself to avoid losing your temper. I think it will work out at the end.

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