The Term “Globalization” and Everything Connected With It

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Globalization entails a process where people, ideas as well as products and services spread throughout the world leading to increased level of interaction between governments, economies and world cultures (Levin Institute). Although the term globalization was mostly coined in the later decades of the 19th century, the process has been in existence for years. A notable example of the process of globalization centuries ago is depicted in the manner the Roman Empire spread it’s economic as well as governing system through various portions in the ancient world (Levin Institute). Technological developments have served as the primary factor that has influenced globalization especially in the field of information technology.
There are various examples of globalization in the modern world based on a number of platforms. For example, a situation where a multinational organization conducts its operations on the global scale while running satellite offices as well as branches in different geographical locations serves in depicting globalization in economics (Herting 23). Another notable example of globalization is evidenced in the blending of cultures. The influence of America or what gains reference as westernization is evidenced in various parts of the world where nations adopt the western culture in different parts of the country. Notable westernized cultural aspects comprise of English language, systems of government and capitalism. The spread of Christianity serves as another notable example of globalization as the religion was spread from Europe to other parts of the globe.
Proponents and opponents of globalization raise differing views about the effect of the process. Each group relies on their justified reasons to support their course. One of the leading pros of globalization presented by supporters relates to the ability of the process in enhancing spread of knowledge. Through globalization and especially with the introduction of the internet, it has become easier to spread knowledge from the developed economies to the developing economies (Osgood 1). As a result, people from developing economies have managed to increase their standard of living.
Another notable positive of globalization relates to increasing competition that as a result forces organizations to decrease prices and make improvements on the quality of products offered translating to overall benefits to the end consumers. Again, due to global competition, it leads to creativity and innovation as organizations from various corners of the globe try to remain relevant. The next positive of globalization is attributed with the ability to enable people to learn more and understand other cultures through platforms like the internet. As such, globalization increases the level of interaction and understanding among people drawn from different cultures.

Opponents of globalization, on the other hand, focus on adverse issues associated with the process with one notable negative aspect based on outsourcing. The opponents assert that outsourcing as a result of globalization while it creates job to a certain population within a given country, it denies opportunity to locals. Another notable disadvantage of globalization is based on unemployment in developing economies as local organizations close down as they are unable to compete with multinationals. The next negative of globalization refers to culture erosion where a dominant culture swallows the other small cultures. Westernization serves as a case example of cultural erosion (Sua?rez-Orozco et al. 79). Although the opponents of globalization present justifiable cases against globalization, the positives of globalization outweigh the negatives signifying that globalization is a good process for all populations across the world.

Works Cited
Herting, Sandra. Globalization. Diplomica Verlag, 2012, 23-24.
Levin Institute. “What Is Globalization?” Globalization, 2015, Accessed 2 Nov. 2016.
Osgood, Russell K. “The Emphasis Should be on Advantages not on Challenges of Globalization.” The Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy, 2009, pp. 1-4.
Sua?rez-Orozco, Marcelo M, and Desire?e Qin-Hilliard. Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium. U of California P, 2010, 79.

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