What You Need to Know About the Wells Fargo Fiasco?

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On reading “Painted as EpiPen Villain, Mylan’s Chief Says She’s No Such Thing” which is one of the leading public healthcare utility offering a new pharmaceutical villain.
In Karl Marx theory we can suggest that there is unequal consideration in the use of the lifesaving drug. Social theory can be applied in this article by making us understand the structure of the company. The low class is not considered when decisions concerning the rising of the prices of the drug is made. In fact, Ms. Bresch who is the chief executive officer is a daughter to a senator which implies the level of high class domination in the society.
According to Jane Addams theory, we can assert that the company lacked a clear ethical assumptions from its key stakeholders. There is a complex relationship among the workers to facilitate material production within the organization.
On reading “the 9 most important things you need to know about the Wells Fargo fiasco” details us with information concerning the sales strategies that the company engaged.
According to Karl Marx theory we can assert that Wells Fargo engaged in various activities that only benefited the top officials of the organization. This steps were conducted in the expense of the low class in the society. In fact, the officials in the company wanted the various claims to be behind them.
According to Addams theory, we can conclude the manner in which materials were being misused by the workers who created a lot of unauthorized deposit accounts and made subsequent deposits to their accounts without the knowledge of the enterprise.
On reading “Ex-Wells Fargo Employees Sue, Allege They Were Punished for Not Breaking Law” which highlights the claims that former Wells workers had concerning the case on unauthorized bank accounts.
One of the principle aspects that was undertaken in the case was the class action suit. This approach applies the Karl Marx theory of social class inequality that exists in the society. The only class of individuals that were given a priority to influence others is the influential class. In this article the leaders were the main contributor of the company’s downfall.
According to Addams social theory, we can critically evaluate the aspect that made the managers of Wells Fargo never took any considerations to ethical principles to yield in the success of the firm. Besides, despite the concern that was raised concerning poor production mechanisms, not one of the superiors in the company lost their jobs.

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What You Need to Know About the Wells Fargo Fiasco?. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://essaylab.com/essays/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-wells-fargo-fiasco

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