City living vs. country living
Published 19 Jun 2017
Country living and city living have their own advantages and disadvantages. Country life is all about relaxation, beauty and peace. City life however is characterized by chaos, loud noise and confusion. Life in countryside seems to move slowly whereas that in a city moves faster. A city man would never feel the beautiful season changes or the gentle rustle of leaves. At the same time a country man would never find modern facilities reaching his place in the correct time. It is however concluded by many that country living is better than the city living.
In order to examine which life is better (country life or city life), we need to find out what is the ultimate aim of life. The ultimate aim of life is nothing but happiness. Happiness is void without peace. Peace and happiness are interrelated. Lack of peace and rush is found to be the most crucial feature of city living. A country man is found to enjoy more peace than a city man. He does not have to find money to buy A/c for his house and does not need car for his traveling. A city man however has to equip his house with all possible facilities to comfort his family and to maintain his status in the society. He goes to work early morning and comes back home late night.
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Even though he has lots of choices of things to enjoy (compared to a country man) he seldom has time to take pleasure in what he possesses. It is better to have simple life with peace rather than a luxurious life without peace. The story of the country and town mouse is a simple example for this. Nowadays people of city decorate their apartment in the country style. They bring elements of country style into their houses. They attempt to capture country lifestyle in their houses.
Rural birth and life are associated with lower rates of diseases. Major illnesses are more prevalent in urban settings compared to the rural areas. Dense population, noise, environmental toxins and the chaotic social contexts have generated disease causing viruses that bring several dangerous diseases and even prenatal infections. There are several city diseases that have still not reached the country sides. Numerous country areas are still unaffected by AIDS.
City people as well as country people work for making a living. Country people work outside and give good exercises for their bodies. City people, however, work inside and work on machines (mostly on computer). They have less need of hard work and keep their body idle. This makes the city people prone to diseases like hypertension and diabetes which are rarely found in country residents. A body without diseases is the greatest fortune that a man can have. Many of the country people are fortunate enough to have this.
Health education and transportation facilities make people choose cities for living. Country people do not need many hospitals in the nearby premises are they are least vulnerable to diseases. Pollution make city people sick and they approach doctors every now and then. Country people on the other hand enjoy fresh air, rolling green hills and walk through pollution free streets. It is better to have a disease-free body than a hospital within the home premises.
It is obvious that city education is far better compared to the country education. However they lack good learning environment as the schools are nearly flooded. City education also does not induce many values in the students. Values are disappearing in the city life. Education is primarily meant to induce values in students.
City life includes stress, anxiety, depression and various other problems. City people feel that life is too hard to cope with. Placeless and threatening life environment in cities lead people to depression and suicide. They lack privacy and are troubled by ubiquitous crowds, noises, car accidents, traffic jams and several other things. Country people come across less stressful situations and enjoy peace and tranquility in their life. They are not even able to comprehend what it means by depression. They need not fear crime and car accidents. Life is smooth and serene for them.
It is true that city life can provide more sports, shopping entertainment and career facilities compared to country life. However, unsatisfied life of the city people concludes that these facilities no longer bring complete happiness to man. Juvenile crimes are increasing in cities. Adolescent drug misuse and related problems are rising at a heavy rate. Family life is also least secure and peaceful in cities. Divorces have become very common. Parents live in their own ways and children live in their ways. Peace and happiness are absent in majority of the families. Values are disappearing at a fast rate. Country life, however, is free of all these problems. They are still unaware of abortion and homosexuality. They have everything that is required for a happy life.
- Bauwens, Liz, and Alexandra Campbell (2001) Country Chic. New York City, New York: Hearst Books, 7-150.