Analysis of the Article “We the People”



Analyzing Implications

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In “We the People”, one of the author’s arguments is about the manner in which the government often escapes from its commitment to the constitution. The author argues that citizens should evaluate the notion of Tea Party as well as every bill in accordance to the constitution by demonstrates the significance of clearly understanding the constitution in a different light (Eastland, 2011). A further implication from this article is that the Republicans are reacting to the unrestrained government and the Tea Party is securing the situation as they are not only ready to address but also push it if it was to be ignored. If the author is right, some claims would follow from the argument including the assertion that citizens often surrender a part of their natural rights while at the same time retaining others. This argument would imply that only the rights whose alienation are necessary in forming a government are yielded as evidenced in the official letter by the members of the Constitutional Convention to the congress that claims that it is impractical to secure all rights of independent sovereignty and at the same time provide interest and safety for all (Barnett, 2005).
One of the arguments in “Surveillance: Cozy or Chilling” is the issue of privacy and technology in the modern world as evidenced in the use of GPS tracking. The author demonstrates the risks associated with technology by depicting the manner in which Edward Snowden, a former N.S.A contractor explored all the email conversations as long as he was familiar with the email address as far as that of President Obama thereby demonstrating how technology is endangering users. A further implication from this article is that the congress has a role to play in examining the evidences of new laws to ascertain that they are all constitutional. If Cohen was right, a fact that would follow from his argument is that the government often allows eavesdropping of some citizens even without the usual request warrants.

Barnett, R. E. (2005). Restoring the lost constitution: The presumption of liberty. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.
Cohen, N. (2013, Dec 15). Surveillance: Cozy or chilling? New York Times Retrieved from

Eastland, T. (2011, Jan 17). We the people. The Weekly Standard, 16, 7-8. Retrieved from

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