Factors Affecting Tourism, Society, Environment and Economy


Environmental Issues

There is a great need to focus on the prosperity of our hospitality and tourism and tourism industries. This is to ensure that they do not lag behind and they support the economy of the nation. The different factors affecting the society, environment, and the economy usually have a great adverse impact on this industry. The deteriorating trends made in tourism and hospitality industry is alarming which requires clear strategies to be put on the ground to curb this problem. The research findings were gotten from analyzing the different research articles from different scholars. This paper gives a solution to the problems that were originally caused by traditional management practices in the tourism and hospitality industry by incorporating the environmentally sustainable management system to this industry. Also, a critical analysis of the sustainable development strategies gives a clear view of how these principles can be useful when incorporated in the different field any of the principles’ that we have in the operation of tourism and hospitality industry. The application of these principles is clearly stated by the use of different examples that capture the interests of any of the principles. Therefore, if sustainable management is adopted in this industry, we will experience a desirable change in these industries and with time, this industry will become the backbone of the economy.
Traditional management practices are the forms of management styles in which the manager does not really care about their employee’s well being rather they are driven by the results they are intending to get. This style of management will normally push the employees to their limits until they achieve the desired results or even goes further to force them to obey without regards to anyone. The management practice does not apply mostly in the current organizations rather it is used in government institutions such as military and the hospitality and tourism sectors. It is not normally encouraged to use this type of management style as it broods fear among the employees an aspect that discourages development in the organization. In this paper, we will explain the philosophy of environmentally sustainable management in regard to hospitality and tourism industry, the sustainable development principles and their application in the hospitality and tourism industry and finally look at the critique about sustainable development.
Sustainable management in the hospitality and tourism industries referrers to the concept of tourists visiting a place and then trying to make only a positive impact on the industry, environment, society and to the economy. Hospitality and tourism can include primary transportation to the general location, accommodations, recreation, entertainment, local transportation, and getting nourishments. These two can be related to traveling for leisure as well as business. Tourism mainly relates to traveling and without traveling it cannot be referred to as tourism (Lockyer, T., 2013).
First, the philosophy of sustainable management in these industries can be based on the social and economic aspects, whereby the global economics normally forecasts a continuing growth to the tourism and hospitality industries internationally. This amount of growth is normally based on the location of the industries. These two industries are ranked among the largest as well as world’s fastest growing industries. In order to reduce the impact of tourism, sustainable tourists can do this in many ways such as showing some respect to the local cultures, giving support to the integrity of local cultures through the process of showing favor to businesses that conserve cultural heritage, trying to inform themselves about the culture, economy as well as the politics of communities they visit. And finally, they can also do this by conserving resources through the process of seeking out businesses that are environmentally conscious (Waligo, V. M et al, 2013).
Secondly, for sustainable management in the industry of hospitality and tourism to be noticed, we incorporate the stakeholders. Stakeholders are the people who play an important role in impacting the development of the industries both positively and negatively (Mock, C. et al, 2013). They may include the organizations and individuals who latter involved in the shaping way in which the hospitality and tourism industries develop. For this case, a body has been developed internationally known as Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) in which it fosters to increase knowledge and understanding of the sustainable tourism practices, as well as promoting the adoption of universal sustainable principles of tourism and hospitality (Mock C.et al, 2013).
Thirdly, the government makes a foundation for sustainable management in the hospitality and tourism industries in which it ensures that its values and motive are taken into account when assessing the motives in a sustainable hospitality and tourism. It regulates the capacity of tourists and visitors an area can sustainably to relate taking into account that the environment and culture around is not damaged. Additionally, the local community which directly benefits from a sustainable hospitality and tourism through job creation, economic development as well as improvement of infrastructure also contributes to the sustainable management. The problem with this sustainable management in the hospitality and tourism industries is that there are issues of displacement, resettlement, environmental impacts and as well erosion of cultures around the industries (Edgell Sr, D. L., 2016).
Sustainable development refers to development which be used can meet the current present needs with no compromise to the ability of future generations as they try to meet their own needs. This approach looks at balancing different competing needs against the awareness of environmental, social and economic problems that we face as a whole society. Sustainability is the main important issue currently facing the world and this has made the hospitality and tourism sectors to turn their focus to the impotence that sustainability brings in (Elliott, J. 2012).
Sustainable development principles refer to the accepted rules of performance that institutions should follow as the carry out different organizational activities. It is usually a requirement for every organization before it puts a project on the ground to analyze whether the project is in line with these principles. Usually, there are many different principles of sustainable development which are usually used in different grounds depending on the requirement. It is the role of the person or the organization to make sure that the project lies in line with the principle and failure to that he/she is held accountable and the consequences follow (Ciegis, R. et al 2015).
Integration of environmental decision in developmental steps taken is essential. The economic decisions are required to adequately reflect the environment, human health and the social effect that comes along with that development. This checks whether the project will pollute the environment, cause health complications associated with it and the social effects that it will bring in. if this development brings out many consequences on health, environment and the society, then changes should be made to ensure that the development will have positive consequences on both the economy and the environment.
Stewardship is yet another principle of sustainable development. Any step that is taken concerning the economy, human health, the environment and also the social well-being should be having the aim to ensure that both the present and the future generations will benefit. This decision must be clearly balanced since they will have a great effect for tomorrow. The people who are in charge of the economy, wealth and society should be good stewards in making decisions. In the case where decisions are made to enhance personal gains, most likely the future generation will be confused thus facing struggles in development (Eliot J. 2012).
The people in charge of development should a shared responsibility and understanding. They should acknowledge that it is their responsibility to sustain the economy, environment, human health and also the social well-being of the nation. Also one should be accountable for any decision and action having a partnership spirit and also great corporation. Since we share common economic, social and a physical environment, the people in charge of development should understand as well as respect the different economic and social views, traditions, aspirations as well as values of the people. In the management of the different resources, both aspirations, needs and also the views of the people within different geographical areas should always be considered with no bias and discrimination (Pearce et al, 2013).
Prevention is a very crucial thing in development and sustainability of any aspect of a nation. Every decision should always anticipate and prevent adverse economic, health, social and environment negativities. Sometimes it is not possible to be certain about a situation thus one should critically analyze on a well-informed ground the chances of that decision to pose a serious threat to the economy, human health, the social well-being and the environment if it is put on the ground (Murphy, K. 2012).
Conservation and enhancement usually aim at maintaining both the ecological processes, biological diversity and the life supporting system on the environment. It should be a focus of every person to conserve these three aspects in his/her actions. In order to conserve them, one should harvest renewable sources on a sustainable measure, use renewable and non-renewable resources efficiently and always aim at enhancing the long time production capability, the capacity and also the quality of this ecosystem that are already in existence (Opp, S. M. 2013).
Rehabilitation and reclamation of the different aspects of the environment is usually of great interest to many. People are expected to repair damage and the degradation of the environment so as to help the environment to regain its lost value. Most of the environment that we have requires rehabilitation thus there is a need to rebuild it once more. The decisions made should be focused and mainly concerned about the rehabilitation and reclamation factors in future decision making and actions (Williams, S. et al, 2013).
Global responsibility is very key when we talk about sustainable development especially in the current world. The people in charge of development should always be thinking globally in all aspects when developing solutions to problems. This is because any decision taken by an organization or nation will have a global effect since environmental, health, social and economic factors interrelate with each other globally (Griggs, et al 2013).
The aspects of sustainable management in the tourism and hospitality industries has a variety of applications. In my own opinion, the sustainable management systems and the principles can be applied in the tourism and hospitality industry. On the aspect of rehabilitation and reclamation, this can be used to establish tourism attraction centers such as museums which will be useful in attracting more tourist in the area. The abandoned land also can be used in establishing hotels which can be used to accommodate these tourists. Some animal species which have become extinct usually can catch the interest of the different tourists. Breeding these species would increase tourism activities. Afforestation also can be used to reclaim the deforested lands which would attract animals which in turn attract tourism. The application of this aspects will make the management in this industries to become more and more improved and reach the desired targets of effective management.
Also, stewardship is key to every management team in an institution thus decisions made should be able to bring benefits and positive trends to the tourism and hospitality industry. This mainly focuses on the management decision concerning the charges for entry to a tourist site and also the accommodation charges per tourist. Also, any decision made concerning the advertisements based on tourism and hospitality industries should be aimed at increasing the inflow of the tourists to these tourist attraction sites. Any development or even projects made in the industry should be able to withstand changes that may occur in thirty years to come and also should be able to accommodate the future generation (Welford, R., 2013).
As an opinion, a shared understanding and responsibility is crucial for the success of tourism and hospitality industries. This understanding should be seen starting with the tourism and hospitality industries to the subordinates of the different tourist attraction sites and even the hotels. This will ease the management processes and also financial allocations which will result to non-embezzlement of tourism and hospitality industry funds since it is clearly organized. Responsibilities should be clearly shared and stated out to reduce confusion and role ambiguity in this industry.
Additionally, to the application of the concepts we tend to we can attempt to apply the skill of Prevention which is also a very important as it helps in doing away with problems which could arise later thus crushing the tourism and hospitality industries. Any decision within the organization should be critically analyzed so as to ensure the smooth flow of events. If its consequences clearly threaten the economy, health, society and the environment, then it should be done away with. In this, decisions that concern the integration of an information system in the industry should be clearly analyzed since a slight weakness in the system can lead to the hacking of the whole system.
The sustainable development usually faces critique from different practitioners especially on the basis of its definition. This definition is human-centered in such a way that its main focus is on human interest instead of the outstanding value of nature the human’s moral obligation to preserve the natural resources. Also, this definition is too broad and it leads to ambiguity in its interpretation. This ambiguity can be traced in the different interpretations made in many books and articles (Hopwood, B. et al, 2005).
In conclusion, the tourism and hospitality industry is a field that should be given great attention for it to show a constant growth. The management sector should use the current management styles which show a positive trend in the sector. The great aim of this industry should be mainly focused on the core principles of sustainable development which act as a mirror of what is expected both locally and globally. If we tap the potential tourist attraction sites and also be focused towards hospitality, then it is very clear that the tourism and hospitality industry within a short duration would be said to be the cornerstone of the economy.

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Elliot, J. (2012). An introduction to sustainable development. Routledge.
Hopwood, B., Mellor, M. & O’Brien, G. (2005): sustainable development: mapping Different Approaches: Sustainable development vol 13.

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