Human and Nature: Ecosystem Management

Running Head: HUMAN AND NATURE 1



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The subject of human kind, nature and climate change in the global environment has provoked various human geographers to come up with different opinions, critics and responses relating to the effects of human on nature. According to the Ecosystem stewardship article, cultural geography is based on the sustainability for a rapidly changing environment. This concept revolves around the relationship between human and nature and the effects arising from the correlation of the two factors. The natural landscape for the past years has suffered drastically through various transformation at the hands of human being. For instance, cultural geography does not revolve around the issue of land plus man only; rather it involves nature plus culture that acts through human kind to transform nature. Moreover, cultural geography also relates to how human perceives nature through the existing mediums of cultural diversity. Consequently, many people view nature not only as a physical entity but also as a social construct that allows societal beliefs to shape the relationship between society and nature.
Challenges such as over consumption of natural resources by human being as well as plants and animal habitat destruction is the key areas where human has depleted the ecological system. These effects results due to increased industrial development, population growth, globalization and technological innovations. Ecosystem stewardship focuses on the social-ecological sustainability to be put in place for a rapidly changing planet. This article aims at creating geographical policies and initiatives to protect nature and conserve natural resources. Promoting cleaner forms of energy and avoiding toxic waste also serves to protect nature and its inhabitants in any environment. In addition to that, human being should target to avoid unsuitable social ecological traps and adopt recent developments that optimize the concept of protecting nature (Chapin & Berkes, 2010).
For instance, human actions contribute the largest percentage in accelerating effects on earth’s geographical climate and ecosystems. These actions degrade ecosystem services that are suitable for developing a sustainable environment that balances the forces of human and nature. Human relationships with the surrounding environment are the key concept this article tries to address. The established ecosystem management in this article seeks to improve and sustain multiple ecosystem services in a rapidly changing planet. These services aim to balance the well-being of both human and natural conditions based on uncertainty and change. Despite the sustainability mission to protect nature against human exploitation, most of the cultural geography management trends have not been achievable in the rapidly changing world. Reducing the exposure of nature to its exploitative agents such as overgrazing and deforestation are some of the standard practices adopted to ensure a sound resource management in a changing ecosystem. From the recent expert research in Harvard University, Overgrazing in drylands and increased grazing pressure results to reduced existence of palatable plants and animals (Chen, 2012).
Concept of sustainable development in cultural geography also seeks to establish a balance among economic growth, social equity and environmental impacts. These issues aims to create sound policies constructed in a variety of environmental principles and attitudes. Philosophies of nature try to curb humanity actions that pose a big threat to the natural world. Nevertheless, philosophies of nature within a globalizing world create a growing concern to curb effects of globalization imposed on the environment by human nature. These effects range from the impact of acid rain on the environment, deforestation, depletion of species and nuclear waste resulting from nuclear accidents. In United States, media discussions on the relationship between nature and society are ever increasing. These discussions has enabled many citizen in United States to remain vigilant on issues such as air pollution, spread of toxic substances, energy security as well as economic issues relating to safeguarding human and nature. Citizens in most developed countries show intense priorities to keystone energy policies that targets to ensure a friendlier environment. The changing economic issue in Michigan and Texas has improved energy innovations through production of clean energy that has boosted both economic and environmental recovery in United States. The U.S department of defense has also embraced alternative sources of clean energy installations in their bid to conserve nature from human harmful exploitations (Chen, 2012).
In conclusion, human and natural science relating to ecosystem stewardship is sufficient to make mature and important contributions to protect social economic systems. Policy makers relating to cultural geography must aim to come up with sound issues that drive potential changes in protecting nature from human exploitation. Sustaining ecosystem and protecting the entire planet against human destruction require peaceful reconnection, understanding and change of people’s values, perceptions and governance systems to adopt new mechanisms and dynamics of protecting nature.

Chapin, F. S., Carpenter, S. R., Kofinas, G. P., Folke, C., Abel, N., Clark, W. C., … & Berkes, F. (2010). Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25(4), 241-249.
Chen, Y. (2012). The mathematical relationship between Zipf’s law and the hierarchical scaling law. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(11), 3285-3299.

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