Internal Communication: Dialogue of the Organization With Employees

Internal Communication

1. Why it is important for an organization to communicate with its employees
The success of the organization often depends on the relationship that exists between its management and the employees. The main importance of employee communication is to identify, create, and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between the two sides. The other importance of employee communication is to better their performance by emphasizing the organizational goals. Therefore, employee communication ensures that they are aware of their role in achieving the goals, and that the management is aware of their needs as well.
2. Type of information that employees find interesting
One of the most preferred information that employees are interested in is guidelines on how to do their jobs. Regarding this, employees look up to their superiors for this type of guidance. Such information includes advice on how to overcome work problems, how to complete tasks faster and better, and how to maintain suitable work environments. The employees believe that such knowledge can be achieved if there are better frameworks that support both vertical and horizontal communication. That is, they want higher engagement with their superiors as well as to be allowed to interact more with fellow workers.
3. Communication tools/channels that can be used to communicate with employees
There are many tools and channels through which the organization can communicate with its employees, Meetings and forums are one of the most popular methods used. Other organizations use memos and company newsletter to reach their employees. Others use noticeboards and social media to communicate. Today, employees want channels that are more interactive such as social media so that they also have the opportunity to give feedback. Traditional methods such as memos are becoming less popular.
4. The criteria that the choice of internal communications tools/channels should be based
The choice of internal communication tool depends on the goals of the information being communicated. In this regards, memos and noticeboards are sufficient if the objective is to create awareness. However, if the employees need to be made to understand deeply the information, other channels that support feedback such as video conferencing and presentations need to be used. Therefore, the level of involvement needed determines the choice of internal communications tools used.

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