Culmination Speech: Effective Communication

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Culmination Speech
Good morning students, staff and faculty. It is truly a great honor for me to gain this opportunity to welcome and address you during this year’s culmination ceremony. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the great and wonderful journey that I undertook throughout the semester that I believe prepared me to become a successful person in the future. Importance of effective communication and understanding the mood of the audience while communicating serve as the most important things I have learned throughout the course.
One of the great things I have learned throughout the semester relates to the importance of effective communication. Communication is imperative in everyday processes within an organization. The failure or success of any given organization or an individual depends on the effectiveness of communication. Throughout the semester, I have learned how to make an effective communication whereby the meaning of the message is clear and non-ambiguous. The past three speeches that I have delivered regarding different topics have served in shaping and informing me on how to prepare a good presentation. A good presentation must be concise, clear and direct to the point.
Understanding the mood of the audience is equally critical while communicating in that it helps the person presenting the speech to decide on the best verbal and non-verbal cues to use. At the beginning of the semester, I had no such important knowledge. For example, where the mood of the audience is boring, the encoder may use a combination of verbal and non-verbal signs like gestures and equally engage the audience in the communication process to eliminate boredom.
By learning the importance of effective communication and the need to understand the mood of the audience, I have ………………

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