Speech Preparation Basic Outline Format

Speech Preparation Basic Outline Format

· I Introduction
A (Attention step related to the topic / person)
· It is my pleasure to introduce one of the most successful business men in the USA Jack Haley. He is from Tucson Arizona and holds a degree in Agribusiness Economics and a MBA (Master of Business Administration).

B (reveal central ideas/thesis, this is the core or kernel that captures your interviewee).
· Jack Haley works for Patagonia an outdoor company that is located in Northern California; he is the CEO (chief executive officer) of the company, therefore being in charge of all the employees in the company.

C Preview body of speech (the major point that will support your thesis)
· Jack Haley is not only the CEO of the Patagonia Company but also a family man. He has a beautiful and smart wife and two kids. However, even though he is an extraordinary boss he also loves going backpacking and mountain climbing this is a big part of his life.

· Transition to Body (connect the introduction to the body).

· Now I am going to explain more in detail about the extraordinary life of Jack Haley.

· II body

· A- Main point (directly support thesis- first major elaboration on the core of the person)

Jack Haley is in charge of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the organization’s fiscal function and performance. He also introduces new programs and strategies in order to enforce policies and procedures.

1- Sub point (example/ evidence) to elaborate support the main point above.

He has improved the company’s business by increasing the earnings from 40% to 70% and all the employees are satisfied by seeing how much they have been learning from their boss.

2- Sub point (example / evidence) to elaborate support, always necessary.

Jack Haley is creating new designer outdoor clothing for the Patagonia Company, he is also coming up with new ideas and opportunities that no other boss created before. Jack is also creating a new style of clothing that can support extremes outdoor temperatures like that of Alaska. Due to this, the company has been able to open up international markets like France.

Transition to the next main point
But guess what, now I am to talk about the most interesting part of his life because he is an adventurous and fun loving man.

· B – Main point (directly support thesis – second major elaboration on person)

As I mentioned before he is not just dedicated to the company, he also goes for adventures whenever he has time for vacation. He is visiting all national parks he hears or reads about, his life couldn’t be more fun.

1- Sub point (example/ evidence to elaborate/ support this second main point)

Jack went camping for about two weeks in the High Sierra Park that is located in Northern California and this is the first time that he climbed more than 11,000 ft altitude.

2- Sub point (example/ evidence to elaborate/ support this second main point)

He has already visited all the National Parks in California and he is starting to appreciate how significant it is to have a car. Jack lives a healthy lifestyle; he eats healthy foods and exercises twice a day which helps in keeping his body fit and in shape.

Transition to the conclusion (show audience you are coming to a close)

In conclusion Jack is an awesome person and a free spirit who loves and enjoys life to the fullest. He is turning thirty five and he is among the few elite who have their lives well figured out. He has a successful career, beautiful family, and still has time for fun not many fifty year olds have this kind of life let alone a thirty five year old.

III conclusion

A- Review main points and thesis: summarize.
Jack couldn’t be more excited and proud of himself, since he became the boss of Patagonia Company; he seems to be a stress free man enjoying his job and everything that comes with it including enough time for vacations, rest and travelling around the USA while interacting with nature and all it has to offer.

B-Sense of completeness: Clincher.
Jack is a successful businessman since it takes a lot of effort, hard work and time to get to the level that jack is in, not many people have achieved what jack has at the age of thirty five.

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