The Architecture Influence in the World

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The Architecture Influence in the World.
Architecture is the widely used art or practice of constructing and designing buildings. In the universe, there are many known structures. The Islamic architecture is one of the most recognized in the world. It encompasses the use of a wide range of religious styles and secular styles from the groundwork of Islam today. Today the Islamic architecture owes its primary origin to some similar structures that mainly exist in Persian, Byzantine and Roman lands which the Muslims were potentially able to conquer back in the 7th and 8th centuries. In the further East, Islamic culture was also influenced the Indian and Chinese architecture mostly as Islam continued to spread to Southeast Asia. The core Islamic Architectural types include the Tomb, the Palace, the Mosque and the Fort. From the four top of the Islamic architecture that is used and derived from other building such as domestic architecture, fountains and public baths.
Most of the buildings that are mentioned in this study are also listed in the world Heritage Sites. Most of the architectures, however, have faced some significant damages during the Syrian Civil War. The Islamic style of architecture emerged years after the time of Muhammad’s and was greatly inspired by the former Byzantine and Sassanid models. The Dome Rock is one of the most famous buildings of the Islamic architecture (Bradbury 1233). It is also patterned after the nearby Byzantine Christian artists and the Church of the Holy Tomb that was employed to create an extravagant mosaics against a golden background. The epigraphic Vine frieze was modified from the pre-Islamic Syrian Style. The Dome of the Rock featured interior domed spaces, the use of some significantly designed repeating decorative through the arabesque patterns and finally through the circular dome. The Desert palaces in Syria and Jordan serve as the main living quarters, baths and reception halls that were decorated mostly to encourage a copy of royal luxury. The Great Mosque of Damascus that was built on the site of John the Baptist and the basilica after the Islamic assaults of Damascus. The Mosque resembled the 6th and the 7th-century Christian basilicas. Some significant modifications that include the expanding of different structures occurred to enhance the transversal of the axis that mostly fit with the style of the Islamic prayer.
The main distinguishing factors of the Islamic culture originate from the mathematical themes of some ordered repetitions and radiating structures, metric patterns and rhythmic patterns. Due to this respect, the fractal geometry has always been an essential utility, especially for palaces and mosques. The other significant features that can be employed as motifs include piers, arches columns, interwoven and organized with alternating sequences of colonnades and niches (Parsons & Ashworth 34). The Islamic architecture is widely characterized by an extent of the architectural traditions of its other cultures. In the eighth and eleventh century, the Islamic architecture has been influenced by the Western tradition and the Eastern tradition. The process between the three different transitions that is between the post-classical, the late Antiquity and the Islamic architecture has simplified the findings of the archaeologists of Palestine and North Syria. In earlier research, the transformation and assimilation of some pre-existing architectural traditions that are widely investigated under the aspect of some mutual intercultural exchange of technology, styles and ideas as well as the architects, materials, and artists. The rise of the Islam culture is one of the most continuous transformation that leads to the process of guiding the late Antiquity to the Islamic period.
Another widely known architect around the world is the Roman Architecture, which has influenced the modern Architecture. Different scholars say that Rome is not built in a day. It took a preliminary long time to make particularly in the capital of Italy. The architecture took a couple of centuries to work on leaving an impact of construction to the present day. The Romans inherited some ideas based on the history of the early Etruscans, Greeks, Persians, and Egyptians. The Early architects from the Roman Empire changed the designer shape of their architecture and gave humankind buildings some impact that they hardly had ever seen in company of some public structures, infrastructure, and roads that people used from different levels of their society.
The Roman architecture was at pick during the Plax Roman period which they did not expand and was not attacked which later lasted for over 20 years. Dating between from I80 ad and 27 BC, the Rome Empire was associated with some of the popular innovations and inventions in the architecture that is still used in the world today. The greatest changes that the Roman architecture brought to the world is that it led to an extensive concrete usage (Parsons & Ashworth 34). The Roman architects did not only that the concrete was stronger but also a very common and popular used marble., and it could be used to decorate various forms of sculptures into the marbles in contrast to the carving things extracted from it. Concrete was locally be produced thus making it very cheap to produce as the production cost was low, and the Roman Emperors made a budget stick to it. It was not only a way of grand designing and building beautiful houses that made the architecture of Rome more influential;, but also the concept through which they used to expand their infrastructure to a more functional empire. Roman were also the first people to create the most complicated and vast road network connecting the capital city of Rome to several cities. Thus, scholars have invented a saying that “all the roads lead to the city of Rome”. The Roman architects also developed the building of aqueducts and bridges which are still used in the modern society.
The Roman architecture has one of the greatest influence in the contemporary design. It is not surprising to note that the expansion of the monuments found in Rome has left several nations highly prejudiced by their infrastructure and architecture. Several centuries after Roman Empire downfall, most of the monuments that were the national icon that was designed as a result of emulating this historical period remain excellent. The Roman domes, arches, and columns have recently found their ways to being some famous buildings all over the world. Paris particular drew inspiration from the architecture of the Romans. Napoleon helped in the commissioning of some works that assisted in recreating the Rome as a substitute to the old Paris after he was crowned as the new emperor in 1804. Some of the French architects borrowed from the Roman formulas are the Arc de Triumph and the Vendome place.
Most of the buildings were rebuilt at the United States today are widely influenced by the architecture from Rome. White House is the most common structure that displays some Roman influence in the columns and arches on its exterior. The white house also famously incorporates the power of the Roman architectural (Law & Nicholas 56). The Federal Hall found in the city of New York also features some Doric that contains fluted columns which do not contain any form of decoration at the base or any top of the floor.
The Roman arches are said to have a trace and foundation on the modern architecture. The interior design of the Union Station found at the heart of the Washington D.C also develops some Greek and arches that were merged into the early buildings. The structures were also built with an aim to support some drainage systems found underground, especially during the era of Roman Empire. The arches were also mostly made due to the significant inscribing and happenings.
The Greek architecture also provides some great and beautiful, distinctive buildings in the Ancient World and some of their structures such as the temples, the stadia, and theaters. All these have become a staple feature of the towns and cities starting from the antiquity and onwards. The Greek architecture has led to a great concern which simplifies the proportion, harmony, and perspective in their buildings which go to a large degree of influencing the architects in the World of the Romans. It also provides some unique foundation in the classical architectural orders which dominate in the western world from the Renaissance in the present day (Parsons & Ashworth 87). The Greeks are widely famous due to the magnificent Doric and Ionic temples. It is a building that still stands as a majestic platform in the city of the Acropolis. The other celebrated buildings are the Zeus, Olympia, and Temples.
The Greek temples on the mainland follow a remarkable plan of rectangular and peripheral exterior sides consists of columns and rows. Many temples also carry an architectural sculpture that is arranged in the form of a narrative. Friezes, pediments and I hope all take sculptures that are often in a round and a high relief form that are widely decorated with bronze and some retold stories in the city of the Greeks. Temples indicate the architect of the Greeks and the Greeks were perfectly aware of all the problems that provide a stable foundation for supporting large buildings. The Greeks were able to use some water drainages and the continuous basis on the grounds above the layers that filled the large Greek buildings. All this enable them to build their structures of better positions regardless of terrain and the rigors weather and earthquake through the centuries. The absolute stability of building essential and subsiding buildings has enabled the Greek builds to render quite remarkable building that has never collapsed as a result of human intervention. The famous Temple of Hephaestus is one of the best building that still exists today as an impressive durable Greek building.
The ancient architecture has widely helped in the establishment of many feature sin the world today especially the western design. It has also assisted in giving them the world a real magnificent through its buildings which stand today as a testimony of time to inspire some awe and fear. Most of the known buildings have become tourist attraction sites, and they help in facilitating the construction of a countries heritage. In Greece for example, the structures have emerged as some recognized iconic symbols which attract the attention of people from all over the world.

Work cited
Bradbury, M. O. (2015). Sir John Soane’s Influence on Architecture from 1791: A Continuing Legacy. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
Majumdar, S., Guo, Q., Garza?Madrid, M., Calderon?Colon, X., Duan, D., Carbajal, P., … & Elisseeff, J. (2016). Inspiration of collagen source on fibrillar architecture and properties of vitrified collagen membranes. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 104(2), 300-307.
Law, Nicholas R. “Study of Chicano/Mexican Architecture in the Modern World.” (2014).
Parsons, D., Ashworth, P., Sambrook Smith, G., Best, J., Lunt, I., & Orfeo, O. (2015, April). The Sedimentology and Sedimentary Architecture of a Fluvial Braid Bars: the influence of scale and variability. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 17, p. 15436).

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