Violence Is the Use of Force Against the Defenseless

Running Head: VIOLENCE 1



Violence may refer to actions that threatens and causes physical harm, sufferings, injury, and physical harm. In other terms may mean exertion of physical force or power to unextend of injure or abuse. (Furlong at al, 2000)
Why violence is detestable.
Violence is simply civil war. Nobody likes this because it is considered unsafe. Moreover, civil war causes instability to the society since it brings wrangles. Violence mostly expresses inequality especially in women (Hondros, 2001)
Why is violence fascinating
Violence is considered to solve some problems by some people (Niehoff, 1999).They belief that people in disagreements may not come into consensus until they go on violence. Why Violence is Important. Violence is vital for all intents and purposes by definition. While dissimilar parts of contention are harming (e.g., the mental expenses of loathing another individual or gathering), violence takes by a wide margin the weightiest toll (Boyle, 2004). Appraisals of passing from war and different types of political brutality for the twentieth century beat one hundred million. The monetary expenses of that savagery are endlessly wide. What’s more, those expenses can bear long after the battling stops. Individuals are as yet contracting illnesses from the organic and concoction weapons utilized amid the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. Many individuals are slaughtered or injured day by day from the at least million landmines still in the ground left over from since quite a while ago finished up clashes.
Time I witnessed violence
Everybody experiences violence in its life time. I myself experienced violence while I was high school scholar. Students organized a strike and everybody was to participate in the strike. The school administration called police where were all beaten thoroughly. Most of us were harmed seriously and hospitalized. I myself was caught off guard and beaten very hard. My abdomen was injured and left hand also was stuck. This WAS my worst experience ever and the evidence for violence I normally witness.
Today I have keen following crime, mental health, education, and social sciences which have all been the pathways to school violence which have common observed. The first, and most disturbing, is that humanoid, like few extra species, are persistentlyantagonistic, violent and murderous to each other. The major predators of humans are other humans. The point is that all violence is not the same. Some violence is due to impulsive behavior, some due to the dis inhibition by drugs or alcohol, some due to serious mental illness, some to hate, revenge, or retribution. In what manner any individual comes to kill is a compoundmixture of circumstances, and it is almost unbearable to know exactly.

Types of violence
There are several types of violence which include:
Physical violence
This kind of violence which occurs when an individual uses its body or part of it to gain control over somebody else (Straus at al, 1999)
Sexual violence.
This occurs when someone is forced to participate in sexual actions while he she not willing.
Cultural violence
Cultural violence is witnessed when an individual is harmed as a result of practices that are believed to be from its culture or religion.
Emotional violence
This is violence in which someone alters something to make another person feel less, stupid or worthless
Psychological violence
Violence that generates fear out of threats.

What constitutes violence?
Research comparing men and women’s use of violence, force and/or violence in domestic relationships reveals several significant alterations in nature, frequency, motivation, and context that support an argument against a gender neutral approach to domestic violence. The most important difference is that in the vast popular cases women’s use force against their male partners to response to a sustained pattern of coercion, violence and control inflicted on them by their male partners. In other words, in the majority of cases, females are reacting to being psychologically and/or physically victimized by their male partners.
Furthermore, the character of women’s use of force does not meet the standard for being a ‘batterer’ as women’s motivation and type of force does not reflect efforts to control, pressure or dominate, but rather to respond, protect, defend or retaliate against male batterers (McMahon & Pence, 2003). For example, in studies where women have been charged in domestic violence situations, findings illustrate that men do not feel helpless or fearful of their feminine partners, do not feel that their independence is constrained by their partners or that they are isolated or that their phone calls, activities, socialization or clothing are controlled by their female partners. Some incidents involve the participant forcing the victim to unwanted sexual contact, especially when a physical attack occurs.
Causes of violence
Socialization: they are learned behavior from family, school, institution, friends, community, and broader cultural, geo-political and economic contexts. People’s individual experiences turn out to be social as they are collective. Persons can be in the same home or be exposed to the same events electronically, or they can use a symbolic means to communicate their experiences to others. It is the jointinformation of many individuals, shared in these ways that makes up a culture, a society, or a family. Within cultures, societies, and families, shared experiences are organized into categories of events referred to variously as concepts, constructs, and schemas.
Situation: this one is when violence is caused by current state of a person and can be financial, emotions, body physical reaction and others.
Structure: refers to systematic ways in which social structures harm or otherwise disadvantage involve police , military, or other state power committing violent acts.
Mental illness: Substance abuse is a major determinant of violence and this is true whether it occurs in the context of a concurrent mental illness or not. Therefore, early identification and treatment of substance abuse problems, and greater attention to the diagnosis and management of concurrent substance abuse disorders among seriously mentally ill, may be potential violence prevention strategies.

The role of the state in the prevention and regulation/control of violence.
Violence can be prevented. Research shows that prevention efforts in school by teachers, administrators, parents, community members and even students can reduce violence and improve the overall school environment. No one factor in isolation causes school violence, so stopping school violence involves using multiple prevention strategies that address the many individual, relationship, community, and societal factors that influence the likelihood of violence. Prevention efforts should ultimately reduce risk factors and promote protective factors at these multiple levels of influence.
The state can use monitor behaviors agencies like Youth risk behavior surveillance system to prevent physical fighting, bullying, weapon carrying and suicide. Also, the state can use justice and educative departments to train the mentally affected individuals and bring to justice the individual responsible for the cause. The assessment and planning tools also can be used by schools to develop an action plan to improve health and safety. Resources, training, and other tools are used to prevent violence that can support the planning, implementation and evaluation of widespread violence.
The state also can use media technology such as cell phones and the Internet, and electronic communication avenues, such as text messaging. The point is that all violence is not the same. Some violence is due to impulsive behavior, some due to the disinhibition by drugs or alcohol, some due to serious mental illness, some of hate, revenge, or retribution. How any individual comes to kill is a complex combination of circumstances, and it is almost impossible to know exactly.
Nobody can claim violence free life on earth.As said earlier, everybody experiences violence in its life time. Violence is simply a civil war. Nobody likes this because it is considered unsafe. Moreover, civil war causes instability to the society since it brings wrangles. Violence mostly expresses inequality, especially in women. Therefore this paper identified the following types of violence among others:
Physical violence-This kind of violence which occurs when an individual uses its body or part of it to gain control over somebody else. Sexual violence-This happens when someone is forced to participate in sexual actions while he she not willing. Cultural violence-Cultural violence is witnessed when an individual is harmed as a result of practices that are believed to be of its culture or religion.Emotional violence-This is violence in which someone alters something to make another person feel less, stupid or worthlessPsychological violence-Violence that generates fear out of threats.

Niehoff, D. (1999). The biology of violence: How understanding the brain, behavior, and environment can break the vicious circle of aggression. New York: Free Press.
Straus, M. A., Gilles, R. J., & Smith, C. (1990). Physical violence in American families: Risk factors and adaptations to violence in 8,145 families (pp. 49-73). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Boyle, K. (2004). Media and violence: Gendering the debates. Sage.
Furlong, M., & Morrison, G. (2000). The school in school violence definitions and facts. Journal of emotional and Behavioral disorders, 8(2), 71-82.
Hondros, E. C. M. (2001). A Most Detestable Crime. Teaching Philosophy, 24(4), 397-401.

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