Exploring a Major or Career

Published 29 Sep 2017

Making a choice of career or subject major is the most vital decision to be made for all those on the threshold of carving out a future for themselves. Doing what you like always makes you excel in what you are doing. The selection of career should be based on natural aptitude, strengths and liking for the particular choice. But how do you choose when you don’t even know what you like and what you are good at? Knowing your self is the key to making all decisions in life. When you are clear about your self you can always plan the path ahead of you. And when the choice is based on liking you seldom regret making that career choice no matter how difficult the path. Where there is a will there is a way. What Career choice would I make?

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What do I like, in and around me in general? I love to communicate. I like to interact. I am passionate about meeting people and I am more than a cat when it comes to curiosity. So, what would be good for me? What are my strengths? In academics, in personality, in attitude and finance resources?

I am good at academics. I have excellent command over written and spoken English. I am versatile and very creative. I am an amicable person. I have a positive attitude at all times. I have reasonable financial resources to fund my career. So what career could I choose from? Mass communication- journalism? Designing- interior design- architecture? Public relations- front Office?

I would choose Journalism. Why? Because it matches with most of my assets. I feel good about it. I have made my choice! One big decision of my life! One step towardsmy life plan!

What preparations would I need?

The minimum qualifications of first class in junior College, High school would make me eligible to apply for Bachelor in Journalism. My aptitude would be assessed in the entrance test. I think I should make it through with the experience I already have of writing in school and college magazines. The rewards of seeing your name in print and to read your own articles in the media is an exhilarating feeling nothing can surpass. No amount of wealth can give you the self esteem and respect that a forthright thought expressed in explicit language. The power of reaching out to millions of people and making them think is mightier than any weapon ever known. There would be money in it, ample opportunities in various newspapers, electronic media, broadcasting, magazines and Multinational Corporations. Freelancing was a lucrative profession while staying at home. What about my study- expenses, Finance?

There is adequate for 3 years but part time job would help me. What about pitfalls in this career? It is a myth to think there are fewer pitfalls in any chosen path. But when the heart is into it, the head will work and so will the body. It is going to be highly competitive. There would be struggle. Hardships of barging ahead! Rejections, disappointments. Threats, deadlines, go getter pushes and no excuses for not delivering the job. But that is what makes it so thrilling! Journalism I will pursue. Journalist of repute I will be. Fearless, with no friends or foes when I write my features! Yes! That is what I choose to be, and this is how I would love to live. As a journalist! A challenge to myself every day!


  • Learning Goals for Exploratory Writing Exploring a Major or Career Scenario (pp 126-127, 183-85)
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