Why the United States Should Not Recruit Foreign Nurses

Published 02 Jun 2017

This research paper describes factors that are associated with the recruitment of foreign nurses to developed countries. It is well-known that there is a significant migration of foreign-trained nurses into highly developed countries due to the shortage of nurses in these high-income nations. This migration is observed in the United States, Canada, Australia, as well as European countries. The research paper describes the perceptions of individuals associated with the recruitment of foreign-trained nurses. The literature also comprehensively describes the effects of the migration of foreign-trained nurses on their country of origin as well as on the country of destination for work. It this research paper, approximately 12 directors of nursing schools in Ireland, South Africa and the Philippines were included in the investigative analysis, subjecting the directors to detailed interviews for the data collection process.

The research generated marked variation in the opinions among the directors of different countries, wherein the European directors harbored a different perception from those of the directors of South Africa and the Philippines. The paper also discusses the barriers that foreign-trained nurses experience while working in highly developed countries, including differences in language and culture, which in turn may affect the foreign-trained nurses’ performance and comprehension to follow instructions in healthcare. The paper points out that there is a great need to design a solution that should protect both country of origin and country of destination that are associated with the migration of foreign-trained nurses, in order to prevent the health systems of both countries.

This research article describes the role that wages pages in the recruitment of foreign-trained healthcare professionals. The migration of healthcare professionals, including physicians and nurses, has been observed in the last few decades and has been the focus of major concern of source countries or countries where the foreign-trained healthcare professionals were taught of their skills. It has been a general observation that healthcare professionals trained in developing countries migrate to highly developed countries to work and perform their practices. The main reason behind this massive migration of healthcare professionals is that the wages that could be received by these healthcare professionals are significantly higher than what they would receive while working in their home countries. Unfortunately, the migration of healthcare professionals from the developing countries has also resulted in the deterioration of the healthcare system of these source countries.

Another reason behind the massive migration of healthcare professionals to highly developed countries is that the source countries are not in a stable position to provide ample wages to their own healthcare professionals, resulting in underpaid and overworked healthcare professionals. Developed countries are known to have the capacity to support large numbers of healthcare professionals, even more than what is currently present in the country hence this poses as a strong influence for foreign-trained healthcare professionals to consider options in places outside of their home country. The paper describes that wage differentials between the country of origin and the country of destination are very large that migration flows to developed countries may be difficult to control.

This research paper describes the financial disadvantages that are experienced by source countries or the countries where foreign-trained nurses originated. The article initially explains that there has been a significant amount of movement of healthcare professionals from Africa to highly developed countries around the world. Most of the healthcare professionals, including nurses, expressed that they opted to migrate to developed countries in order to earn more than what is generally expected as salary in African countries. The research involved the estimation of cost of training a professional nurse in Africa starting from the primary to tertiary schooling. The factor of economy status was also included in their analysis of expenses for training

. In the specific African country of Malawi, it has been estimated that the total cost of training a nurse from primary school through nursing school costs approximately US$ 31,726.26. Should a nurse choose to migrate to a developed country for work, the country of Malawi loses US$ 71,081.76 and US$ 7.5 million at bank interest rates of 7% and 25% per annum
for the next 30 years. On the other hand, nurse-midwife that leaves the country of Malawi causes a loss in investment in the range of US$ 241,508 to US$ 25.6 million at 7% and 25% interest rate per year for the next 30 years. This paper is very important to take note of because it explains that the recruitment of foreign-trained nurses affects the nurses’ country of origin by cause a significant loss in money through investment schemes of healthcare professionals. The paper also points out that there is a great need to quantify how much remittances are being sent back to the source countries in order to determine whether these developing nations receive an equivalent amount of returns for these migrations.

This theme paper looks into the guidelines that are currently being followed in terms of the significant migration of foreign-trained nurses to developed countries around the world. The theme paper provides a comprehensive profile of the migration of these specific healthcare professionals to five identified countries of destination, including Australia, Ireland, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States. The theme paper also investigates the policy of health system organization in each country, as well as the infrastructure involved and the registries that are associated with the professional nurses. Any existing censuses and interviews with prime recruitment professionals are also included in the investigation.

The theme paper was developed in order to address that significant flow of professional nurses from developing countries around the world towards the highly developed countries. The classification of low- to middle-income countries was mainly based on the definitions provided by The World Bank. The theme paper interestingly points out that the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland primarily hire foreign-trained nurses from low income countries while Norway and Australia recruit foreign-trained professional nurses from high-income countries. The theme paper also points out that there is an insufficient amount of data systems in several countries that would possibly facilitate the monitoring of the migration of healthcare professionals to other countries. It is therefore important that healthcare working conditions in source countries be assessed first before recruitment be performed because this may affect the healthcare conditions in the destination countries.

This research paper describes the features of the migration of healthcare professionals from developing countries to high-income countries. The paper initially describes that there has been a significant recruitment of foreign-trained healthcare professionals in developed countries due to the shortage of healthcare professionals in these countries. It has been estimated in 2000 that approximately that 175 million individuals or 2.9% of the world’s population, reside outside their country of birth. Of this number, approximately 65 million were determined to be economically active. The recent increase in the number of individuals migrating from their country of origin to better pastures is significant for many developing countries because such efflux of helath care professionals result in the massive loss of highly-trained and well-educated nationals to higher-income and developed countries.

The paper points out that the medical professionals such as physicians and professional nurses represent a small proportion of the highly skilled workers who migrate, but the loss for developing countries of human resources in the health sector may mean that the capacity of the health system to provide health care equitably is significantly compromised. It is improbable that migration will decrease or ultimate end given the advances in global communications and the development of global labor markets in some fields, which now include nursing. The research paper also meticulously examines some key issues related to the international migration of health workers and suggests strategic methods that may help in managing migration.

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