Case Analysis on Child Labor

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Case analysis on child labor
The issue of child labor is mostly common in the rural areas where there is under development in terms of education. As a result of this, some of the companies find it easier to rely on labor provided by children as compared to using machines. This is because use of machines translates to very high costs involved in production. Taking moral and ethical issues into consideration, child labor violates them and hence should be stopped. Each and every child has a right to provision of quality education (Wolfe et al 184). Such kind of employers deprive little children this right and hence the issue of child labor should be campaigned against.
One of the reasons as to why child labor should be stopped is because it exploits little children. At the age of 16 years, children are supposed to be in school. Each and every parent wants their children to be educated in order to be able to secure good jobs after school. In areas where there is no access to education, or the levels of education are low, parents would look for other ways of ensuring that their children succeed in life. As a result of this, many children end up working in agricultural plantations and as well as in companies (Wolfe et al 189). Instead of taking children into this “slavery”, these employers are supposed to take them to school in order to help them succeed in life.
Taking morals into consideration, the health of young working workers is a major consideration. Due to this, the number of hours for workers below the age of 18 years should be minimized. Workers aged below 18years have a longer production life in comparison to the old ones. Their daily working hours should be minimized as this will make them remain productive for quite a long period of time. In addition, people under the age of 21 years should not be allowed to make contacts with pesticides while in working in companies dealing with herbicides. Touching chemicals such as herbicides in some cases deteriorates the health of some employees. They should instead be taken in different sectors of production (Wolfe et al 194).
Work cited
Wolfe, Jennifer H., and Marsha A. Dickson. “Apparel manufacturer and retailer efforts to reduce child labor: An ethics of virtue perspective on codes of conduct.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 20.4 (2002): 183-195.

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