Facts, History and Research Surrounding Nutrition

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Facts, History and Research Surrounding Nutrition
Nutrition is integral to good health. Nutrition is generally understood as the process of food intake and utilization. As such, nutrition relates to the role of nutrients obtained from food in the growth of the body, its development as well as its maintenance. The constituents of food that make up a diet are referred to as nutrients. These include the proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Application of various principles of nutrition aimed at meeting specific health needs or attaining specific status is called dietetics. Nutritional needs are influenced by one’s activities, sex age, and even health status.
The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins have been recognized as energy sources since the early 19th century. As a consequence, lots of attention and research was conducted involving their metabolism and role in energy supply to the body. Notably, the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are grouped together as the macronutrients (DeBruyne et al., 30). Micronutrients, on the other hand, include the vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates are, however, the dominant energy source, surpassing both proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are also important precursors in the body’s in vivo synthesis of some nonessential amino acids (DeBruyne et al., 30). Carbohydrates are obtained from starch, sugar, and cellulose. Humans do also store carbohydrate as glycogen in the liver.
Proteins, on the other hand, are organic nitrogenous compounds made of units called amino acids. Some amino acids are termed as essential as they can only be obtained from the diet. The proteins are known for their role in body building, repair, and maintenance of tissues (DeBruyne et al., 88). Fats make up the adipose tissue as triglycerides (DeBruyne et al., 60). Other than being an energy source, fats support various organs including the heart and kidneys while fats under the skin offer insulation (DeBruyne et al., 61). Vitamins, a group of micronutrients, are organic compounds needed in tiny quantities for wide-ranging functions including aiding eyesight, supporting growth and general body function.
According to the site A History of Nutrition, food has been historically associated with health by various ancient civilizations. It was, however, in 1747 when James Lind used limes to treat long distance voyagers suffering from scurvy thereby making this the pioneer nutritional experiment. Later in 1770, Lavoisier discovered metabolism by linking heat production to food and oxygen reactions. The site A History of Nutrition further explains that the 1800s saw the conceptualization of food as made up of the elements nitrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen while the make-up of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats as sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids respectively was discovered. This was followed, in subsequent years by linking various diseases to deficiency of certain vitamins. As recently as 1968, the idea of Orthomolecular Nutrition, meaning availing the right molecules at the right quantities to the body or simply optimum nutrition is important for healthy and long lives.
Various advanced researches are currently going on around the world. The research nowadays is increasingly leaning towards ensuring nutrition to the ever increasing population of the world. In this regard, biotechnology is one field that is rapidly expanding. Its application involves genetic modification of various crops to enable them to synthesize certain nutrients that are hard to come by in certain regions around the world (Bills, Kung and Kotula 4). Biotechnology is also being utilized to boost yields, in such crops as wheat and rice while enriching their nutritional value (Bills, Kung and Kotula 4). Further research in the area of nutrition is aimed at tackling obesity which is currently a prominent problem facing modern societies. This seeks to understand predisposing factors including the genetic link to obesity and nutritional interventions to redress the challenge (Bills, Kung and Kotula 4).
Works Cited
“A History of Nutrition.” A History of Nutrition. N.p., 2016. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.
Bills, Donald D, Shain-dow Kung, and Anthony Kotula. Biotechnology and Nutrition: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992. Internet resource.
DeBruyne, Linda K., Kathryn Pinna, Eleanor Noss. Whitney, and Corinne Balog. Cataldo. Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Principles and Practice. Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2008. Print.

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