Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Nestle

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Marketing in action case: Real choices at nestle’
Starbucks is a coffee farm based in America which gain the market growth in the years of 1980s though it was down economically but has growth tremendously over the years in the global market. Keurig Green Mountain is a beverage company for both home and business use. The main products are K-Cup pods among others.

Nespresso competitive advantage
Nestlé has gained a high competitive advantage by achieving a much growth in between the recession. The success is not by technology and patents alone since they had all factors for above 20 years. Despite failing initially, Nespresso has created a great competitive advantage by mixing products, segmentation, manufacturing, marketing and distribution which makes it impossible to copy (Markides 55). According to the data from Nespresso, the reputation of this brand has rose up over the years. The brand has the brand been positioned high up and create safer competitive advantage which is up to last years. The success has attracted the competitors to produce the encapsulation coffee to succeed in the market.

Rank in the 4ps of marketing
On the marketer’s view point, they opt to choose the efficient price which close to the maximum hence the VertuoLine system could be considered.
A plan on promotion is on a wide range of activities such as sales increase, brand the budget for each. The Nespresso’s VertuoLine system is at a high profile in product promotional strategies..
The Nespresso’s VertuoLine system are widely available, cheap access to the distribution channels.
VertuoLine system is at a high rank in terms of products specification with high quality features, durability, efficiency and quality service.

Nespresso Marketing strategy
In the present day Nespresso has been in the front line in innovation, consumer demand and quality. Consumers around the globe have preferred its products due to the quality. They have the passion of service quality to their potential customers bring the expectations that has a dynamic and driving force for a great economic growth. They use a unique model that facilitates keeping up with the quality of coffee distribution. Nespresso have a proven track record which has shaped the coffee culture in global scope and puts on the tone in the available market where increasing customers choose the portioned coffee.

Works cited
Markides, Constantinos C. “A dynamic view of strategy.” MIT Sloan Management Review 40.3 (1999): 55.

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