Marketing Targeting and Market Segmentation



Marketing questions

A marketing segmentation refers to a process of breaking an entire market to come up with distinct customer or client segments. Targeting a market involves making a decision on which prospective client segments a business or a company will concentrate on. Marketing segmentation precedes targeting, which in turn assists a company to become much picky or selective in relation to the customers they are targeting through marketing. Both marketing targeting and segmentation are essentially equivalent for making sure that the general success of a company prevails. An innovator is my choice of segment.
1. What type of new product would you create for the target segment you chose?
Blue smart suitcase is a product for innovators. The suitcase addresses the challenges that travelers experience while interacting with luggage. The product locates the actual location through a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) map that detects proximity heat. The Global Positioning Satellite assists to track a suitcase if it misses for a longer distance. The suitcase has a digital scale to determine its weight. Aside from that, the suitcase also possesses a battery for charging the owner’s devices. A smart phone is used to lock the suitcase.
2. What type of marketing strategy would you use to reach the target segment you chose?
Instagram is a marketing strategy for Blue smart suitcases. The strategy would enable prospective clients to view photos of Blue smart suitcases and to understand the experiences of users of this product. This social site platform meets creative practices to enhance customers’ experience.
3. What marketing tactics would you use to carry out your strategy?
The following are the three marketing tactics that will be used in Instagram marketing strategy:
Tag People: The first marketing tactic is to tag other users of Instagram in a post and it will be viewed in their profiles in the section of Photos of Users. This functionality will be used to target potential users of Blue smart Suitcase by tagging them. The users can then be able to tap photos of the suitcases and access tagged handles.
Social Sharing: Instagram as a social media platform can allow its users to become connected to a profile to accounts in other social media platforms such as Twitter and Face book. This will allow posting of suitcase photos to those social sites. .
Use Landscape: Utilization of tidy, well-cropped and finally excellent Instagram photos and images is important in a business. A latest resizing tool for images is known as Landscape. This new tool is used to crop, scale, and resize all media images in Instagram.
4. My core product would be:
The suitcases possess a digital lock that enables their users to lock them through use of smart phones especially when they become separated from them. They can lock this even at remotely places. In addition, a pocket that has a large size and easily accessibility located on a carry-on version enables it to have quick access to a laptop during airport security check. Last but not least, the suitcase is relatively cheaper than other available high-end suitcase.
5. My actual product would be:
Blue smart suitcase has core product. The suitcase contains a digital scale to determine its weight. Apart from that, the suitcase possesses a battery for charging the owner’s devices while a smart phone is used to lock the suitcase. The owner or the user of the suitcase can also be able to get alerts or notifications through their short text messages on their smart phones.
6. My augmented product would be:
A blue smart suitcase enables phones to be charged for at least 6 times using 10,000 mAh batteries. Apart from phone charging, the suitcase can also power cameras and tablets. It is easy to use a smart phone on a Blue smart suitcase to build customized itineraries, alerts set-ups, see the status of the flight and create configured setting personalized travel purposes.

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Marketing Targeting and Market Segmentation. (2022, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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