Movement of Molecules: Dehydration Process



Movement of molecules

Dehydration is a water movement process within the body cells. It happens when a certain amount of water than the sodium contained in the cell gets eliminated from the body. Depending on the behavior of the extracellular fluid, dehydration can be classified as hypertonic or hyponatremia (Hanshawet al 1965). This leads to an attraction of the water from the cell towards out the cell which on the process leads to the shrinking of the cell and might cause the shrinking of the body. The best way that dehydration can be addressed is when the body is faced with a state of equilibrium meaning that there is no more water loss.
Osmotic equilibrium is a word that has been used by biologists to show the situation when the solute contained in water has the same measurements on the two sides of the semi-permeable membrane (Maren 1978). This situation means that water still passes in the membrane. The result of osmotic equilibrium is that the two sides do not gain or lose molecule contents. An explanation towards equilibrium is that the two sides are able to maintain an equal position of each other because as much as the two sides are losing contents, their replacement capabilities are at the same rate with the loosing capability. Some of the factors that contribute to this are temperatures and membrane size.
Chemical disequilibrium is defined as a state of the body lacing a balance between the movement of the molecules of its chemicals and a loss that deficits the demand for more of the materials lost (Hanshawet al 1965). This process is one of the most important in human life because in one way or another chemical reactions must take place in order to cater for the provision of energy. A conclusion to this still brings all people to the conclusion that water is the most important aspect of the functioning of the human body.

Maren Thomas, H. (1978). Carbon dioxide equilibria in the kidney: the problems of elevated carbon dioxide tension, delayed dehydration, and disequilibrium pH. Kidney international, 14, 395-405.
Hanshaw, Bruce B., and E-an Zen. “Osmotic equilibrium and overthrust faulting.” Geological Society of America Bulletin 76.12 (1965): 1379-1385.

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