Essays on Law

10 essay samples on this topic
  • Essay examples

Questions Related to Criminology, Security and Justice

Running Head: CRIMINOLOGY 1 CRIMINOLOGY 8 Criminology Name Institution Professor Course Date Criminology Question 1: one of the common characteristic is that they are mainly directed to general people not the given criminal suspects or the defendants specifically. Secondly, they can all result to the given criminal prosecution or conviction. Also, they never require warrants for themselves or even the issue of probable cause. Lastly, their reasoning depends majorly on the issue of the balancing of the special needs from government all against the given inversion of the given individual...
Pages 6 (1476 words)

Canadian Human Rights Commission: Court Case

Surname: 4 Name Tutor Course Date Complainant: Shelby Anne Opheim Defendant: Gagan Gill Intervener: Canadian Human Rights Commission The case is a decision regarding a court case in which the complainant forwarded two complaints one that was dated July 28th 2011 and the other that was dated 16 June 2012. The complainant alleged that she was discriminated by her employer on grounds of age and sex at the workplace and filed for sexual harassment charges. She alleges that the defendant made a series of unwarranted sexual advances at work and...
Pages 5 (1105 words)

Law: Litigation and Civil Suits

Running head: REVIEW QUESTIONS 1 REVIEW QUESTIONS 5 Chapter one Review questions 1. Civil procedure is that body that has been given the obligation of setting the rules and the standards with which the courts follow when they are arbitrating law suits. Criminal procedure on the other hand is the process that is followed in enforcing a criminal law from the investigation stage to the court proceedings and finally the verdict (Lahav, 2016). 2. The substantive law is the law that is passed by a legislature and it dictates how...
Pages 4 (1016 words)

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Different Forms of Doing Business

1Running head: FORMS OF BUSINESS8FORMS OF BUSINESS Forms of businessNameProfessorInstitutionCourseDate Sole proprietorshipThis is a form of business which is owned and run by one person. Formally some define this form of business as “a business owned and controlled by one man even though he may have other people working for him.” (Reed & Cover). Due to ease of starting and less regulations, sole proprietorship is the most common form of business. In most places all that is needed to start a proprietorship is just getting a business license and a...
Pages 7 (1732 words)

Legalization of Marijuana and the Threat It Poses

RUNNING HEAD: Legalization of Marijuana Legalization of Marijuana 3 Topic Name Institution Legalization of Marijuana Introduction According to 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), marijuana is one of the most used illicit drugs with 22.2 million users per month. The survey also states that adolescents and young adults are the most affected group. Perceptions of the risks associated with consuming marijuana have steadily declined due to the debates surrounding loosening restrictions and legalizing marijuana for recreational and medicinal use (Posey, 2016). But, according to the Drug Abuse...
Pages 5 (1245 words)

Offer and Acceptance: Contractual Agreement

Surname4 NameProfessorInstitutionDate Offer and acceptance IntroductionOffer and acceptance constitute the elements needed in the formation of a contractual agreement which is legally binding. An offer is merely a statement of terms and conditions which the offeror is ready to bind himself into. These terms, technicality speaking, create various responsibilities that both parties to the contract ought to meet in the process of performing the contract. It presents the intention to enter into a legally binding contract on certain terms which must be accepted. For the offer to be legally binding,...
Pages 5 (1267 words)

New York Versus Burger Case (1987)

Running head: NEW YORK VERSUS BURGER CASE (1987) 1 NEW YORK VERSUS BURGER CASE (1987) 6 New York versus Burger Case (1987) Name Institution New York versus Burger Case (1987) Introduction New York versus Burger is a case that brought before the supreme court of the United States in 1987. In this case, the petitioner, New York state, was pursuing a review of the decision that was made by New York’s Court of Appeal. In the case, the Court of Appeals had ruled that there was an unjustified inspection that...
Pages 5 (1254 words)

Canada’s Youth Correctional Facilities

RUNNING HEAD: Canada’s Youth Correctional Facilities. Canada’s Youth Correctional Facilities. 2 Topic Name Institution Canada’s Youth Correctional Facilities. Part One Introduction In Canada, correctional services for youth aged between the ages of twelve to seventeen years at the time of offense are protected by the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). The Act requires the Criminal Justice System for Youth in Canada to separate the youths from adults. Basically, the system is based on the principle of diminished culpability or the diminished moral blameworthiness (Correctional Service of Canada, 2015). Furthermore, the...
Pages 10 (2621 words)

The Threat of Terrorism – The Problem of the 21st Century

Running head: THE THREAT OF TERRORISM 1 THE THREAT OF TERRORISM 15 The Threat of Terrorism Name Institution Professor Course Date Abstract The threat of terrorism serves as one of the most major challenge that the U.S faces in the 21st century. In an effort to combat the rising threat of terrorism, the U.S government introduced the Patriot Act that received an overwhelming support from the Congress in the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11 on the U.S. Despite the intelligence approach by the Patriot Act aimed at...
Pages 12 (3163 words)

The Hashish Case of David Edwin Oakes

Running Head: OAKES TEST 1 OAKES TEST 14 R. v. Oakes PBLA 2502 Carolyn Maclean Shaquelle Simpson November 2016 Introduction David Edwin Oakes was caught with a significant amount of hash oil and cash on December 17, 1981. It was presumed by authorities that the hash was meant for distribution and the money was the proceeds from previous transactions. Mr. Oakes then explained to them that the hash oil was prescribed to relieve his pain and the money was obtained through Ontario Disability Support Program (Morton, 2000). Section 8 of...
Pages 14 (3797 words)