Citizen’s Gas Company (CGC) New Systems


Table of content
Executive summary 3
Introduction 3
Challenges facing the firm 4
Criteria to consider in specifying the structure and features of CGC’s new system 4
Citizen Gas Company new system planning and implementation 6
Tables illustrating implementation of the new system in various markets 8
Client Maintenance Form 9
Sales Order Form 12
Conclusion 13
Bibliography 15

Executive summary
The main purpose of this report was to investigate the various criteria and means that are taken into consideration for specifying the layout and other features for the Citizen’s Gas Company (CGC) new systems that have been sounded to be implemented in the nearby future. Secondly, the firm will carry out identification of the available data that has been suggested to be included into the new Citizen Gas Company system with the aim to offer enough planning strengths. These new system will extensively explain the reasons for every data item that is critical to the level of the information that is required for the data to be valuable. To undertake this, surveying of the various systems implemented by the firm was done. The results indicated that the implementation was a success. The reports conclude that all these systems should be monitored time to time to ensure their efficiency and effectiveness. It is recommended that the Citizen Gas Company put in place alternative means of production to ensure survival in the competitive industry.
Citizen’s Gas Company is one of the broad energy-producing firm in the gas industry, and its product that are required for all the household purposes and other commercial that are established development conscious plan that exhibit the future prospect of the entire industry. The other plan of the firm is that as it holds the influential position in the industry as it controls a base of more than twenty thousand customer. The company is located in the Adrian, Michigan and servers mostly Lenawee County. In general the firm is a public utility involved in the distribution and also the transmission of the natural gas. The company derives its origin in the year 1951, with its predecessors been in the business for more than 150 years. The firm was formed as an oil-trading venture with interest in the in Latin America and in Africa. Most of the revenue generated from commercial activities was used as a conduit for the revenue generated in terms of dollars into most of the charitable project in both the U.S and oversees. Citizen Gas Company is estimated to be serving more than 17,000 clients in the residential, commercial, and also in the industrial field whereby the clients are all over the Adrian and other parts of the world (Ghobadian et al, 2015. Pg 417).
Challenges facing the firm
Before analyzing the new structures and features of the Citizen Gas Company new system, it is important to understand the background of the firm that has necessitated the introduction of CGS’s new systems. The firm has been faced with different challenges in its planning efforts; this arises due to not having the ability to control its supply within the year. Secondly, the firm is faced with the problem to provide information that is required to establish the long-term contracts. The two key customers of the business, commercial and industrial clients’ demand for the natural gas have been stopped. The result has been lost sales and causing an excess of the supply at the fiscal year of the company (Galí, 2015. Pg 78).
Criteria to consider in specifying the structure and features of CGC’s new system
In a bid to correct these problems, the Citizen Gas Company has contracted a director to oversee the corporate planning of the firm. The director has a task of presenting the conceptual design concerning the information system that will drive the analysis of the supply and demand for the gas. This new system is envisaged to provide a monthly gas plan in the period of the next five years, but the most emphasis was to be put on the first year. Let’s have a look at the overview of the new structure and strategies.
Requirement for business sector data: The variables that influence the interest and supply for gas must be detached, their relative significance decided, and their impact measured. Requirement for precision: The level of exactness required of the framework decides the required level of subtle element, nature of the info information, and advancement of the framework rationale. While the framework must be intended to give the exactness that matches the need, care must be required to guarantee that inordinate exertion is not spent in being excessively precise in particular ranges when the general precision is intrinsically less because of the arranging environment (Galbraith, 2015. Pg 675).
Recurrence of utilization: The recurrence of framework use gives guidance with regards to the level of robotization and advancement required. On the off chance that the framework will be utilized just once every month to extend the impact of the latest genuine information, it might be adequate to build up a less complex framework. On the off chance that it is likely that an assortment of options will be assessed every month, a refined, on-line framework will be more attractive.
Turnaround required: The requirement for auspicious reporting at month end gives direction with regards to the level of mechanization and the level of many-sided quality that will be fitting. Since the framework is to be utilized for both multi-year arranging and month to month strategic arranging, the framework ought to be intended to accommodate snappy turnaround of results at month end. In like manner, thought must be given to minimizing information info necessities.
Cost/benefit examination: The new framework must be defended on a cost/benefit premise. Information preparing environment: Typically, arranging frameworks require a lot of PC assets, both as far as handling time and information stockpiling. Supportability Company faculty must have the capacity to bolster the framework on a progressing premise. This incorporates gathering and entering information and additionally redesigning the framework. On the off chance that the bolster weight is over the top, the framework will experience the ill effects of absence of auspicious reporting or will be run utilizing improving suppositions that influence the level of precision and validity of the framework. In the event that the framework can’t be promptly adjusted and kept up, it will rapidly fall into a condition of dilapidation and will never again be utilized (Tse et al, 2016. Pg 735).
Citizen Gas Company new system planning and implementation
Number of clients: The client check ought to be anticipated by month, unless client development is normal, in which case a base client include can be utilized conjunction with a development variable. The client tally ought to be broken into classifications based upon use which will encourage evaluating request, i.e., private, business warming, business non-warming, modern warming, mechanical non-heating.
Climate information: The climate information expected to venture warming necessities ought to be entered as required. For the main year, meteorological patterns may show a bizarrely warm or chilly year. For the next years, normal month to month climate information might be utilized. As the year advances, more exact fleeting conjectures ought to be entered to enhance the prescient capacity of the panning framework.
Warming variables: Heating components are information that change over climate information to clients’ interest. They ought to be accommodated every sort of client which utilizes warming, i.e., private, business warming, and modern warming. The warming elements need not change by month unless it is resolved that an occasional relationship exists or that patterns, for example, protection are likely.
Customer unit ask for: The typical month to month usage for each business and mechanical non-warming customer must be given, either as a predictable or as moving after some time, to reflect both intermittent changes and more term examples. This data would in like manner be used to develop the non-warming piece of business and mechanical customer demand.
Bargains evaluates: The arrangements to the top current records should be figure autonomously by month for the primary year of the five-year game plan, additionally future years may make use of yearly advancement rates. Warming and non-warming arrangements for each and every other customer will be expected by wage class (Johal et al, 2016. Pg 156).
Customer rate structure: The customer rate structure should offer month to month rate information at the wage class level, i.e., private, business, and mechanical. Data must be month to month to suit irregular rate changes by pay class.
Supplier contract terms: For each supply get, the understanding term (beginning and end dates), month to month volumes, unit costs, and take-or-pay conditions must be kept up. Limit field restrain: The farthest point of the gas stockpiling field is required in order to make sense of whether gas stays away that can be pulled back to supplement pipeline supply (Mason et al, 2015. Pg 437).
Need structure: A need system ought to be set up in case the association needs to abbreviate organization to its customers in light of a deficient supply of gas. The underlying six components are crucial remembering the finished objective to choose the enthusiasm for gas. The accompanying two things are essential to choose supply. The exact opposite thing is imperative to give direction at whatever point the supply is not adequate to deal with interest. Data must be considered on a month to month premise because of the surmised month to month assortments of interest and supply.
Tables representing execution of the new framework in different markets
To cover the shortcoming that has emerged in this firm concerning powerlessness in its supply, the firm has contrived another outline gone for actualizing the dispersion framework for its item keeping in mind the end goal to help its deals. It set up 20 deals workplaces inside the central station and other 10 workplaces to supervise the outside business sectors in U.S, Europe, Asia and Africa. These workplaces were in charge of giving credit and gathering receivables. Every workplaces was in charge of keeping customers records and be entering day by day deals arranges, the outline beneath are representation of the above data in light of the accompanying paradigm: Weakness, Explanation, and Recommendations.
Client Maintenance Form




No fields for recording another client’s telephone number, email location, or site.

Little Toddlers can’t call or email the client or visit their site without this information.

The structure ought to have fields for this data after the location data.

The structure is not pre-numbered.

There is no real way to guarantee that all upkeep structures are handled and represented.

All form should have a pre-printed number in their upper right or left corner.

No sign that data has been gone into the PC framework.

The individual entering the information does not beginning the structure after the information is gone into the framework. A structure might be missed or entered twice.

The report ought to have a space to record the initials of the individual entering the information and the date it is entered.

There is no space accommodated recording date the structure is made (or the powerful date of the change).

The organization would not know the powerful date of the change nor when the structure was made.

A compelling change date ought to be added to this report. In the event that the viable change date can be unique in relation to the date the structure is made, a field for that date ought to likewise be incorporated.

The structure does not have a spot where the individual who rounds out the structure can sign or starting.

On the off chance that the information passage agent couldn’t read or comprehend the data on the structure, she would not know who rounded out the structure.

A spot ought to be accommodated the individual who rounds out the structure to sign or introductory it.


Sales Order Form

Figure 2.




There is no sign that the client favors of the request.

Where conceivable, all requests ought to be marked by the client to guarantee that the client is in charge of asking for the request.

Procurement ought to be given on the structure to the client’s request endorsement.

The structure is not pre-numbered.

There is no real way to guarantee that all business requests are prepared and represented.

The structure ought to have a preprinted number in the upper right corner.

There is no space to enter a ship to address or dispatching guidelines
The merchandise can’t be delivered to an alternate location than the client’s office address, as there is no ship address. Nor is there any need to know a client’s unique transportation instructions.
Add a ship to deliver to the business request structure and in addition a space to record uncommon delivery directions.

There is no space for the client’s buy request number.
There is no chance to get for the organization to reference back to buy request from the customer.
Add as space on the structure for the client buy request number.

There is no space at the unit cost or amplified sums on the business request form
There is no real way to know whether the client was given an extraordinary value, a deal cost, or a standard cost
Incorporate segments for Unit Price and Extended Amount.

ERP Systems implementations
Before the Nestle SA ERP choice, Nestle UK had officially executed an ERP framework. The British backup of Nestle SA executed SAP R/3 over a time of five years in 18 UK producing locales. This execution wrapped up in 1999 and was the one of the UK’s biggest ERP frameworks with more than 6,000 clients. Similarly as with the Nestle SA arrangement, the objectives of the Nestle UK execution were focused on utilizing the span of the association and additionally taking care of the inventory network and re-building work practices and procedures (Wisner et al, 2015. Pg 198).
The third Nestle ERP usage story includes Nestle USA. Settle USA is the $8.1 billion U.S. auxiliary of Nestle SA. In 1997, Nestle USA started its own ERP venture known as Best (Business Excellence through Systems Technology). Planned to keep running through the span of six years finishing in the principal quarter of 2003, this anticipate was planned at well over $200 million and would execute five SAP modules: acquiring, financials, deals and appropriation, creditor liabilities, and records receivable. Like the other two Nestle divisions, the objective behind this ERP execution was unification. Furthermore, the undertaking would unravel Nestle USA’s Y2K misfortunes. On account of Nestle USA, the ERP was a piece of the vision Nestle USA Chairman and CEO Joe Weller alluded to as “One Nestle” that would be in charge of “changing the different brands into one exceptionally coordinated organization.” Prior to the execution, Nestle USA had nine distinctive general records and 28 purposes of client section. The objective of the ERP task was to convey these numbers down to one. A standout amongst the most intriguing perspectives on the Nestle USA issue is the tale of vanilla. Before the ERP execution, Nestle USA did not go about as one organization. Rather, every area followed up for its own sake and was allowed to settle on its own business choices. “In 1997, a group looking at the different frameworks over the organization found, among numerous others disturbing redundancies, that Nestle USA’s brands were paying 29 distinctive costs for vanilla – to the same seller.” This circumstance emerged from the way that every production line arranged their own arrangements with the merchant and the merchant balanced the cost per industrial facility taking into account what they thought the processing plant would pay. The circumstance was just compounded by the way that every processing plant alluded to vanilla in an unexpected way. While one production line may have alluded to vanilla as 1234, another plant alluded to it as 7890. This made it almost unthinkable for people at the corporate base camp to do correlations crosswise over plants to see producing costs (Kiamehr et al, 2015. Pg 234).
In any case which Nestle case is analyzed, the objectives behind every one of the three ERP executions were comparable for every one of the divisions. That is, in every example, there was a driving objective to combine the operations of the diverse areas with the goal that Nestle could genuinely influence their size and purchasing power. Moreover, there was a need to bring together and control information so that the budgetary, reporting, and anticipating numbers were more steady and exact. As every manufacturing plant went about as a self-governing unit, Nestle was at a serious focused weakness and understood that it required one framework utilized by all as a part of request to be more proficient and get by in the worldwide economy (Bansal et al, 2016. Pg 465).

As we have seen the issue of inability by the firm to control supply to match the client demand has been a thorn issue. To have an edge on this industry, the above strategies and features of the new systems should be adhered to as proposed by the new director. The main goal of meeting the demand of both the existing client and the potential one can be realized with the above visions, and also continuous evaluation of the new system will create brand loyalty in the long-run hence more revenue for the firm in the next five year that the plan is projected to last.

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Bansal, S., Parmanik, P., Mukherje, S., Pandit, N. and Singh, R.K., 2016. Prioritization of Supply Chain Flexibility Dimensions Using Topsis: A Case Study of Indian FMCG Sector. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 5(2).

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